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Sept 10th MCAT


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Where are ya'll?? I don't know what happened to our thread but it seems to have gotten lost in the mountains of other MCAT threads!


How is everyone doing?


I'm writing FLTs this week and spending the afternoon reviewing. So far have written 3, 5, 7. 9 & 11 Thursday and Friday, 4 and 8 on the weekend or next week if I feel like it.


Surprisingly, my BS is always my crappy mark. I thought my PS would be way worse (because Physics and I were friends off in Uni) but it's completely the opposite, and of course, all due to orgo. Just going to try to memorize what I can in the next week and pray for the best!!

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Hii! Writing with you guys... Got 30,31,30 and 32 today. Still trying to bump those scores up. I try so hard to focus while doing them at home but I get hungry or something and end up leaving. I have two more tests- one of which is the deadly 11. So hopefully i'll learn more from those experiences. List of things left to do: get ear plug, read over essentials and read those emails from aamc lol.


Good luck everyone :)

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Yeah, my marks aren't that great.. I'm averaging a 24 (with 12 of those marks coming from verbal!). But I'm only applying to NOSM and U of C unless I can get 8s in BS/PS (in which case I'll apply to U of S as well). I've been getting about 6/7s in BS and PS so I'm not banking on 8s. It's a bit nerve wracking to know so little, but I keep telling myself that I just REALLY need the good verbal marks. I never took any of the prereqs (well except chem.. I started physics and dropped it..) either so I have taught myself everything pretty much, so I'm okay with where I'm at. If I do that poorly I'll write again in January and that will give me a few more months to actually learn more ochem.


Oh and I haven't even written 11 yet! Maybe I won't because I don't know if my morale can take the 3 I'll probably get in BS!! :-)


bored - what are you having trouble with in the verbal section? Have you done the question stem thing? I found that helped my verbal a LOT!


Where is everyone writing?

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VR is killing me!! Im getting 7's on this section, and I have done sooooo many passages but I still cant seem to improve my mark.

ps: I've seen exam krackers mentioned quite a lot on this forum, is it actually helpful and how do I download it?


One more week and then we can all breathe! :)

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VR is killing me!! Im getting 7's on this section, and I have done sooooo many passages but I still cant seem to improve my mark.

ps: I've seen exam krackers mentioned quite a lot on this forum, is it actually helpful and how do I download it?


One more week and then we can all breathe! :)


Yes!! I can't wait to actually be able to breathe again!! Or at least somewhat breathe until the applications are done. :-(


I don't think the Examkrackers verbal is available for download unfortunately. It's part of the book. Maybe google it - it was lecture 2 that I found to be the most helpful.


Good luck with the studying, everyone!

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THREE more days everyone :) What are your plans for these last few days?


Tomorrow (Wednesday), I'm going to do my last FL (aamc 10). Thursday, I plan on doing a full review of all the formulas and reviewing from my own condensed notes (about 20 pages). Friday, probably just look over writing section prompts casually and watch a movie or something.


Can't wait for Saturday evening!! :D


Good luck everyone :)

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A couple of days left to go!! I'm flying out to my test location tomorrow so will just review notes in the air and probably just formulas on Friday. Did my last FLT today. Feeling a little stressed but hopefully that will die down with a few days of R&R before the test. If I'm not back online before then I just want to wish everyone a great test day!!

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Hey guys, I just did AAMC 10 and got 10/9/10. My verbal is usually 10-11. I'm kind of feeling down right now because this was my last FL and i wanted to do better than my best which was a 32 in AAMC 7.


I'm also kind of surprised that I usually do better on PS than BS even though im a life science major and should technically be much better at BS. Any tips on how I can improve in the last three days? :( I'm going to go over some notes I made tmrw and relax on Friday - the day before the test.


I'm really hoping to get 32+ on the test ... and I don't know if that's possible anymore considering my 29 on AAMC 10 :(

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Goodluck everyone!


Be sure to have a light day on Friday, or take it off altogether.


Make sure you have your snacks, drinks, and caffeine packed up and ready to go. Go through the 'tutorial' section and the 'terms and conditions' section on the MCAT during the first 20 minutes of the MCAT. Do this because it will help you calm down and get used to the new environment. Use this time also to get accustomed to the sound-reducing headphones that they give you, the monitor, the mouse, keyboard, etc...


Do some light exercise on Saturday before the MCAT. If time permits, do some light studying before the MCAT and read a verbal passage or two lightly to get warmed up.

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BS- it was alright, not great but not absolutely terrible. Had trouble with some of the FSQ's, and one of the orgo passages was insane! Couldn't even decipher it. Anyone else think that there was an experimental orgo passage?? Only one out of the 4 questions had an answer I could figure out. Overall, there was more orgo than I was expecting and tons of microbio...didn't like that.


how many Orgo did you have? I only had 1 Orgo.. though it was definitely a confusing one.. I left it till the end..

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Yup, I agree. I found the BS/PS to be WAY harder than the practice tests. I didn't find verbal that hard. The "gibberish" orgo question looked exactly like that - gibberish!! I had NO clue. I guessed a LOT. So I guess that's good for everyone else's marks!!


I wrote in Ottawa at Willis College. The location was good (not too hot, nice computers, etc...) but they were SO slow to check everyone in! I was supposed to start at 1 and didn't start until 2. But overall, not too bad. :-)


Now the waiting begins!

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