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Highest level or degree to complete??

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I'm filling out my online application and came across "Highest level or degree to complete" in the Attendance section, and don't have the slightest clue as to what I'm supposed to write there. Help me please :confused:


What are you studying now. Put that down.


Unless you have a masters in philosophy and decided to go into medicine and took a bsc in biology, then your master's degree will be the highest level of education received

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I think it'd be B.Sc. or B.A. or something along those lines. What did you put for the preceding part where it asks for "Program"?


Also, do you happen to know what grade high school officially starts at? Is it 9 or 10?


I put "Bachelor of Science, Honours" for program.

High school starts at grade 9 :)


What are you studying now. Put that down.


Unless you have a masters in philosophy and decided to go into medicine and took a bsc in biology, then your master's degree will be the highest level of education received


So if i'm going into fourth year of my B.Sc... do i put down B.Sc??

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