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Western med school, quick question


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So i know Western only looks at your "BEST 2 YEARS" and mcat. i just want to know has there been anybody that gets in with amazing 3rd and 4th year and crap first 2 years??? Do your first 2 bad years not matter? (assuming you do well enough on the mcat, 33+)

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^ I know of someone who got into Western w/ 3rd year and 4th year grades (he had to apply in his 5th year though, in order for his 4th year grades to count.)


But he had stellar MCAT scores, 40S, with 13 in VR...


I think you stand a good chance if you do well in your 3rd and 4th year, plus great MCAT scores. If you are not from Southwestern Ontario, I think you need a min of 11 on VR, but nothing is impossible, so don't give up!

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Hmm dont they give conditional acceptances if you just need that last semester of grades in 4th year?? or would i have to wait till after the summer to apply in the next year??


Yes I got in with that conditional acceptance, and my 1st year was ~3.3, but last 2 years 3.9, MCAT 34, so yes, it is doable

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Yes I got in with that conditional acceptance, and my 1st year was ~3.3, but last 2 years 3.9, MCAT 34, so yes, it is doable



Yeah the best two year policy does mean we have people that bombed years one and two and then pulled up their socks to get in for the win :) I know several people like that actually.

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