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Do Canadians faculty write lukewarm LORs?


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Hi. I have a major concern. I often read on Studentdoctor how american faculties write "walk on water" and "most exceptional" LORs for students who simply took their course. In Canada, I'm not sure ANY of my professors will go this far - and I have many A+s.


So what is your opinion on this situation? Have any of you being hindered by a lukewarm LOR?

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I dont see why there would be difference between a letter written by an american or a canadian prof. I mean if you know them well, and you stress to them that this means a lot to you, they should write you a good letter.


A friend of mine actually asked a bunch of his profs straight up if they would write a strong letter. A few of them agreed and a few other were like meh. Since these letters are confidential, it is best to get them from profs who know you well and are you are certain will give you good letters.

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