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What are my chances!?!??!


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--> DegGPA 4.0

--> SciGPA 3.6

--> 3 research jobs, 1 publication (spinal cord research)

--> MCAT (13bio,11phys,9verb,O) submitted.

--> extra-curricular is excellent (big brothers, community initiative, hospital volunteer, musician, residence adviser, TA, etc. etc. etc.)


Do I have any chance at an interview?

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With a killer Abstract and excellent CV highlights, sure.


Abstract/CV are sooo much work!! I have poured dozens of hours into this.


I am still confused on how they use them.


Stage 1 (~900 applicants) --> Stage 2 (Full file review for 150 applicants, 5xInterview positions) --> Stage 3 (Interviews) --> Stage 4 (Acceptance)


Do they use the Abstract/Highlights at Stage1 or at Stage2 ??

Is stage 1 just DegGPA cut-off? Or is stage 1 is 60% DegGPA + 20% Abstract + 20% Highlights??


I assume by interview stage they are doing a full review of CV/Personal Narrative.




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