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90's wayback playback


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I realize that there's many 90's babies on here. For those of you who are old enough, what was your favourite songs/artists from the 90's?


This song always comes to mind.

Love that song. Still know all the lyrics when it comes on the radio (which is not nearly often enough). I would have to go with Aqua as my favourite, probably.


And of course Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys, etc. :P

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Love that song. Still know all the lyrics when it comes on the radio (which is not nearly often enough). I would have to go with Aqua as my favourite, probably.


And of course Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys, etc. :P


We grew up with all those groups in my house back in the 90's lol. Counting Crows - Mr. Jones is still my favourite song from that decade though ->

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