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How many interviews to go to?

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I have several interview offers for Rad (and am expecting a few more to roll in) and back up interviews for different disciples. The logistics of going to all of these interviews is a bit crazy.


What's the magic number of schools to interview at? I consider rad to be semi-competitive.




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First, congrats on your interviews thus far. Yes, CaRMS is expensive. Yes, the interview tour is crazy (that being said, it's more reassuring to have a crazy schedule than one that is too relaxed). Basically, you have to balance the inconvenience and cost of going to one more interview versus the dismay of wishing you had not turned down that extra interview should you not receive the news you wish come Match Day.


If I were serious about radiology as a first choice, I would go to every interview that I was offered, and only in case of scheduling conflicts (or too many backup interviews), would I drop any (backup) interviews.


I'm not sure what you mean by semi-competitive - radiology isn't quite derm/plastics/ophtho, but I've known enough disappointed hopefuls not to be frank in advising applicants that it is a competitive pool.


I would only drop a radiology interview if I *knew* that there was no chance that I would rank that program (usually this applies to people with family reasons). But in that case, I would not think that one would have applied to that program to begin with, unless one's personal circumstances changed in recent months...

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Thanks. That makes sense.

With respect to semi-competitive, I was looking at carms stats a while ago and around 80% of those who chose rad for first choice of discipline matched to it. (As mentioned, derm ect.. has a less favorable percentage 50-60% range perhaps). In my own mind 20% rejection seems semi-competitive. I would be upset to be in that group that doesn't make it, so won't turn away any rad invites. Plus, the class sizes are bigger than in past years and it seems like there is a decent interest in rad at my school.


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Plus the rads applicants tend to be on average fairly strong since it's a competitive specialty. The people going for it have worked hard to make themselves look good.


I would go to every single rads interview if you knew you wanted it. It would suck to not match and then look back wishing you went to that McGill or U of T interview you cancelled. Cut back up interviews first.


Also, I'll tell you right now, you are gonna blow major amounts of cash during CaRMS. Just accept it as the price to do what you want.

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