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Practicing in the States

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You need to rock step 1. Schools that offer the h1b are either crappy programs (who are desperate to fill their programs) or the VA or really good programs. Also depending on speciality, this is extremely variable. As for getting US citizenship you need a green card first (assuming no ties to the US such as one or both parents being American, birthright, etc). The h1b visa is typically thought of as the route to a green card and citizenship but that road is becoming a lot harder to go through now. Other ways of getting a green card include marrying an American.


My friend who worked in the US with an h1b couldn't get a green card after 8 years so he finally married an American and was done with it and got his green card within a few months. Getting US citizenship is not easy especially with the economy nowadays. Potential employers have to make sure that they can't fill their job posting with a qualified American before they can even sponsor the h1b and even after that, getting your visa extended can be a headache my friend almost got kicked out of the country because his visa lapsed. By far and away the easiest way is to find an American to marry and get PR, then you get almost all the rights as a citizen.

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