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Work Abroad Program

Guest KatieKat

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Guest KatieKat

I know people on this board have discussed volunteering abroad in the past, but I want to learn about working abroad. I just got back from Europe and am completely wild about it. I want to go back and live there for months and months, but I need to make money!


The only website I can find is goabroad.com. Does anyone know about another?


Ciao! :)

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Guest Champ

Dear Katie Kat,



I currently live in the UK and have travelled alot in Europe. Whereabouts would you be looking to find work? Do you want any jobs in particular or something just to pass the time?



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Guest Jess

Hi KatieKat,


Check out the SWAP program, sorry don't have an exact link, but I'm sure it's out there in cyberspace somewhere. Or contact Travel Cuts to find out more about this program.

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Guest ItsmeMelissa

I lived and worked in the U.K. for 2 years. There are a number of options available to you dependant on age, and family background. SWAP is good for information, but you can do the applications and get visas on your own without wasting money registering with their program. Give me some specifics, and I can share what I know with you.



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Guest KatieKat

Thanks for your replies everyone! I'd love to work any where in Western Europe, but I only know English. I know you can work in some countries in Asia teaching English without knowing the national language. Is that kind of thing possible in Europe too?


If its not possible, I'd still be thrilled with going to the UK. Were you happy with the time you spent there ItsMeMelissa?

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Guest ItsmeMelissa


I would not trade my time overseas for any other experience in the world! The knowledge that I gained about myself, and about the people that I share this planet with is perhaps my most valued posession!

As far as I can see, the first step is to see if you are eligible for a British Passport. This is the easiest way to work in any of the European Union Countries. Many people don't know that they are eligible! Are either of your parents British Citizens? Are your Grandparents? The ins and outs of the U.K. visas are fairly well layed out at: http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk

If you are a student and within the age limits there are some other visas available to you. Check out the Fed Gov. site: http://www.dfiat-maeci.gc.ca under Culture, Education and Youth.

If you want to teach English, there are loads of opportunities, especially in Eastern Europe and of course Asia.

Keep in mind that all of these experiences are designed with the purpose of gaining experience, and not for gaining $$$. If you are looking to save while you are gone, that will likely not happen!

Hope this helps,



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Guest aneliz

Hey guys,


I hold a British passport (i.e. British citizenship). Here are the details of what you need to be eligible...


At least ONE of YOUR parents needs to hold British citizenship (born in Britain or otherwise). Unfortunately a grandparent won't cut it! My father was born in Britain but his younger brother was born in Canada. Hence, my sister and I are eligible for British citizenship (father born in Britain) but my cousins (father born in Canada) are not despite the fact that we all have grandparents with British citizenship. Also, another catch, you need to apply to the British government to 'claim' your citizenship BEFORE you turn 18. It is quite an involved process which involves sending your parent's marraige certificate, your parents' birth certificates and your 'long form birth certificate' - which conveniently is non-existent in Ontario. You will need a certified photocopy of your birth registration form. You will *love* paying the Ontario government $25 for the privilege of obtaining a photocopy of a form that your parents filled out to register your birth! Ahh bureaucracy....


Anyway, I agree that it is a great way to get into Europe. Given the fact that Britain is part of the European Union, a British passport will allow you to live and work in any EU country without a visa and without going through any type of immigration procedures! It also lets you go through the 'short' line at customs in the airports. Make sure you check it out, if you are eligible, before it is too late! You can call the British High Commission in Ottawa to get the forms that you need.

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Guest ItsmeMelissa

Couple of notes re the British passport

1. You do NOT need to apply before you are 18 if it is your FATHER that holds British Citizenship. If your mother is British, then you DO have to claim citizenship before you are 18. DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THAT ONE!!!

2. If you have British Grandparents, then you are elibigle for an Ancestry Visa which allows you to work legally for 4 years in the U.K. only and after that time you can apply for a passport.

3. Should you be over 18 and have the British mom situation, you are still eligible for Right of Abode which permits you to live and work in the U.K. only without restrictions.

As I said, check out the British Home office website for the legalities. I do know that there are some different regulations that came into effect in the early 80 and may affect you if you were born after that time.



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