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Interview Invites 2012

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Information For Non-admitted Applicants


Our office received more than 900 applications for the 2011 - 2012 application cycle for 110 places in the Class of 2015. This was highly competitive and there are many applicants who were disappointed at not being extended an invitation for admission.

The Administrator will meet with non-admitted applicants in the month of July for feedback. Please send an email to ugadmit@cc.umanitoba.ca




Damn, a couple OOP people have similar stats to mine but they got invites and I didn't. :(

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OOP Rejected.


34T, 4.4 on UofM scale. 1.5 years of research, 1 pub, rural experience, raised in rural setting...****


Will probably have to write the MCAT again. I was really hoping to get an invite to UofM because my verbal isn't high enough to get invites from Western/Queens.


That is unreal...I don't see how you can't get an interview with those stats considering a couple of people who posted here had lower stats than those without rural and publication experience :confused:.



For me:




AGPA: 4.22 by my calculations

MCAT: 11.40

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That is unreal...I don't see how you can't get an interview with those stats considering a couple of people who posted here had lower stats than those without rural and publication experience :confused:.



For me:




AGPA: 4.22 by my calculations

MCAT: 11.40

IDK. All I know is I'm pissed lol. First rejection ever. Maybe because I'm in econ and have minimum bio/chem/bch courses. Hopefully UofT/Mac don't care about that. Oh well, if I don't get into medical school I'll just do a masters in finance...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Congrats to everyone who received an interview offer!

I was wondering if the information session for MMI interviews on Feb 10th would be recorded? It does mention that it will be webcast, but I'm not sure if it will simply be a live webcast or uploaded for some time after for viewing. I cannot view the webcast because I'm working at that time - any help would be much appreciated!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Once again, congrats to all those who were offered an interview.


The Med I's are hosting pizza nights for all the candidates. These will be on Friday, March 2nd, and Friday, March 9th, starting at 6:30 in Theatre C at the University of Manitoba Bannatyne Campus.


Come. Eat. Mingle with Med I's and other candidates. Play awesome ice breakers.


The Med I's are looking forward to meeting you guys!!!

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