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I want to live in a world where mentioning a battle with mental illness in an interview doesn't hinder your impression any more than diabetes. Ugh **DELETED**.

lol I flat out said it at my interview, the interviewer didn't even flinch. Then again it was at super liberal mac

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for the record I HATE writing conclusions for social science papers. Science papers where you're doing experiments are soooo easy to write, especially their conclusions but social science conclusions? argh Been working on the conclusion for one paper now for 2 hours.


I wrote 1/3 of this 10-page paper in less damn time lol

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I hate social science papers in general. The subjectivity in their evaluation is beyind ridiculous. The only essay based classes I took were the ones I had to take to complete the stupid gen ed requirements.


Its actually not a subjective evaluation. It's ALL about the argument and your ability to support it. I could be wrong about this but I don't see a lot of high school kids coming going into university these days with the ability to argue/debate a position in a logical and thorough fashion.


I've always believe you write well if you read well. My father in law really drilled that home to me. He was the best writer I knew and he was an Engineer. He has an amazing ability to break complex ideas down so simply but when I saw the THOUSANDS of books they had when cleaning out their house it was became pretty clear why he believed that.


The next best person I know who was best at breaking down complex information was my best friend John. He had two PhD's in physics and he could explain physics to a 5 year old. He taught me the verbal component of teaching complex topics simply.

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Lol, which washroom is that?


I think it was HNES building but I don't quite remember. I found it on my phone and forgot I had taken it.


I had to find a different washroom. I was genuinely scared. Anyone who has seen Porky's (you whipper snappers are likely too young to have ever seen or heard of it) will know what I mean.


Actually, just found a clip of it! 



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Its actually not a subjective evaluation. It's ALL about the argument and your ability to support it. I could be wrong about this but I don't see a lot of high school kids coming going into university these days with the ability to argue/debate a position in a logical and thorough fashion.


I've always believe you write well if you read well. My father in law really drilled that home to me. He was the best writer I knew and he was an Engineer. He has an amazing ability to break complex ideas down so simply but when I saw the THOUSANDS of books they had when cleaning out their house it was became pretty clear why he believed that.


The next best person I know who was best at breaking down complex information was my best friend John. He had two PhD's in physics and he could explain physics to a 5 year old. He taught me the verbal component of teaching complex topics simply.

I agree that with the adequate skills and expertise anyone should be able to get a good mark, however, essay based courses will never be as objective as true-false/MC/problem solving questions. Many social science profs simply don't give A+'s. I actually had a humanities TA who gave everyone between C+ and B+ for the first 2 essays. I got a B+ and he said that I had an "excellent" paper but I didn't go "above and beyond" to really prove my point. I switched to another TA and since then I have been getting the highest mark in that tutorial - and I don't think my writing style changed in anyway.


I also have a theater course that is entirely based on blogs. There is two TA's in the course. One hat gives between 70-84, and one that gives 70-90.


You see, it's really not about how WELL you write, but rather the interpretation of what a "well" mark is by each TA.


Again, I have the highest mark in this theater class and yet it's exactly 90.0 because the TA simply doesn't give higher than that. Has this been any other non-writing based course, a 100% would be very possible.

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Lol idk about that. The bio department gave me permission to take basically any course without the prereqs.


What course?


I can't get permission to do a thesis without taking the prereq which is a course about nothing. I explained that I have the lab skills to complete one, but they no sold it.

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I agree that with the adequate skills and expertise anyone should be able to get a good mark, however, essay based courses will never be as objective as true-false/MC/problem solving questions. Many social science profs simply don't give A+'s. I actually had a humanities TA who gave everyone between C+ and B+ for the first 2 essays. I got a B+ and he said that I had an "excellent" paper but I didn't go "above and beyond" to really prove my point. I switched to another TA and since then I have been getting the highest mark in that tutorial - and I don't think my writing style changed in anyway.


I also have a theater course that is entirely based on blogs. There is two TA's in the course. One hat gives between 70-84, and one that gives 70-90.


You see, it's really not about how WELL you write, but rather the interpretation of what a "well" mark is by each TA.


Again, I have the highest mark in this theater class and yet it's exactly 90.0 because the TA simply doesn't give higher than that. Has this been any other non-writing based course, a 100% would be very possible.


You don't think MC is subjective? LOL 


The marking may not be but the damn questions and the answer prompts sure are!




A: ...

B: ...

C: ...

D: ...

E: 2 or more of A to D are correct

F: 1 or more of A to C are correct

G: Not A or C but maybe B and definitely not D

H: None of the above



GFY!!!! lol

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I don't like those complicated "choose the BEST" answer MC questions either but I still find them more straightforward. If you study and prepare well, MC shouldn't be a problem. I'm in psyc so most of the MC either comes from lecture slides or straight from textbook, there is not much subjectivity if you base your knowledge on the provided material.

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I don't like those complicated "choose the BEST" answer MC questions either but I still find them more straightforward. If you study and prepare well, MC shouldn't be a problem. I'm in psyc so most of the MC either comes from lecture slides or straight from textbook, there is not much subjectivity if you base your knowledge on the provided material.


LOL you know psych is social science right?

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I had one once that had:


Is statement x:


A. True

B. Partly True

C. False

D. Partly False


If only a part of something is true, then at least 1 part must be false. :0


LOL If a prof placed a question like this at the end of an exam it would probably be the question I had to spend the longest on *shame* hah

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What course?


I can't get permission to do a thesis without taking the prereq which is a course about nothing. I explained that I have the lab skills to complete one, but they no sold it.

I got into BIOL2905 without BIOL1000 and I'm currently in BIOL2020 without chem1001. In the fall, I'm going to take BIOL2060 without the compsci prereq.


Talk with Dr. Wilson personally. She is very reasonable.

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LOL If a prof placed a question like this at the end of an exam it would probably be the question I had to spend the longest on *shame* hah


I spent forever on it. I ended up picking partly true and then arguing for the mark when it turned out to be partly false.


My animals prof had a question where it asked us to pick the statement that was true. All 5 options were false, and there wasn't a none of the above.


I got into BIOL2905 without BIOL1000 and I'm currently in BIOL2020 without chem1001. In the fall, I'm going to take BIOL2060 without the compsci prereq.


Talk with Dr. Wilson personally. She is very reasonable.


I'll send her an email when I get more info. I'm surprised they let you take 2020 without 1001.

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LOL you know psych is social science right?

I do. I only said that social science papers, essays, and writing-based tests are subjective. Psyc is very MC focused and I find it less subjective because you either get it right or wrong, there is nothing in-between. I do agree that the question and answer can be subjective but an A+ is very manageable if you areprepared and Base your reasoning on provided material.

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I do. I only said that social science papers, essays, and writing-based tests are subjective. Psyc is very MC focused and I find it less subjective because you either get it right or wrong, there is nothing in-between. I do agree that the question and answer can be subjective but an A+ is very manageable if you areprepared and Base your reasoning on provided material.


I know. Just messin with ya :)

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