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If anyone wants a great book to read try "The emperor of all maladies" - it won the Pulitzer price and is written by a world renowned oncologist - it is a historical insight/personal experience into the triumphs, tribulations and pitfalls of cancer research and treatment written in a easy to understand manner! Its unreal!


Reading it now, and I find it alright. Would probably be more interesting to someone who has little/no insight to cancer. Having a hard time convincing myself to pick it up and finish it.


Other recommendations:


Song of Ice and Fire series (the first 3 books may be the best 3 books I've ever read - the 4th and 5th are good, but not as good as the first three). If you haven't read it yet, I would recommend starting with this series.


The Name of the Wind - Good book if you're into Fantasy.

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Broken Circle: The dark legacy of Indian Residential Schools by Theodore Fontaine. Insight into the residential school issues- read it with an open mind and you will come away with a better understanding of the problems facing First Nations today. Pg 122-127 specifically deals with health issues, especially mistrust of doctors or anyone else in a position of authority.

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Monkey Beach by local author Eden Robinson. Winner of the governor general's literary award for fiction.

I was very happy to meet her in our book club! She was so pleasant and encouraging for all of us who aspire to write novels one day ;)

Hoping to write a review on this novel soon. It's very haunting, but beautiful.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Currently reading:



Complications: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science

By Atul Gawande


First chapter was a fascinating discussion on ethical delima of training in medicine, specifically as a surgeon.




Next book up is...



Blood Work: A Tale of Medicine and Murder in the Scientific Revolution

By Holly Tucker




Finished reading Gifted Hands by Dr. ben Carson a while ago - great read as well

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Just read Rich Dad Poor Dad, that book about how doctors think, im reading shine by hallowell now, i really like the positive psychology, the guy always puts a smile on my face


Currently reading:



Complications: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science

By Atul Gawande


First chapter was a fascinating discussion on ethical delima of training in medicine, specifically as a surgeon.




Next book up is...



Blood Work: A Tale of Medicine and Murder in the Scientific Revolution

By Holly Tucker




Finished reading Gifted Hands by Dr. ben Carson a while ago - great read as well

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  • 4 weeks later...
Oh my gosh, I don't understand philosophy at all.

Kodos to you, amethyst.

Yeah I felt that way too at first, but now I'm more comfortable with his writing style (well the english translations anyways) and his views and so forth after finishing Beyond Good and Evil (by Nietzsche as well) so I guess you just need practice.


I recommend The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus -- it's an *easy* philosophy read if you're interested.

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Yeah I felt that way too at first, but now I'm more comfortable with his writing style (well the english translations anyways) and his views and so forth after finishing Beyond Good and Evil (by Nietzsche as well) so I guess you just need practice.


I recommend The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus -- it's an *easy* philosophy read if you're interested.


Hm I will have to add that to my list.

My boyfriend's sister will be here this summer - she's a PhD candidate in philosophy. If she can't help me get through it, I'm hopeless ;)


Happy reading!

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Are you referring to Saul Williams, "Amethystdoc"?

Huh? I don't understand. I looked up Saul Williams and he's a poet?

EDIT: I wasn't sure why you put my username in quotations but Saul Williams has a poem called "amethyst rock" lol .. no that has nothing to do with me. I like amethyst (the stone) and when I put that as my username it was taken so I added "doc" b/c I wanted to be a doctor

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Reading Poisonwood Bible for the second time, by Barbara Kingsolver. It's a truly amazing read about missionaries in the Congo during the struggle for independence.


I have to say, early into my first year I had decided that my hour and twenty minute bus ride was going toward personal reading and it was SUCH a good decision. I hadn't read a book in SO long, and I really missed it, so this allowed me to read guilt free. I think I finished probably ten books.

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nietschze changed my life… first philosopher i ever really got into… gateway reads so to speak

I'm trying to read a lot of his philosophy so I can be able to read Thus Spake Zarathustra -- which I heard is his most popular. So we'll see how life-changing it will be for me :P

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all his major works kick ass… thus spoke z is the most entertaining though, the juxtaposition between zarathustra (reference to zoroaster) and the christ myth is great, he's great for being entertaining too, with the philology background… it kills any of the analytic idiots who are dry as hell… i love how wittgenstein used their own method to show the fallaciousness of russell, who i more or less dislike because he's dawkins idol, and dawkins is an embarrassment to anything but ethology and genetics


I'm trying to read a lot of his philosophy so I can be able to read Thus Spake Zarathustra -- which I heard is his most popular. So we'll see how life-changing it will be for me :P
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