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It's official. (The latest we will hear is Thursday)

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Haha greaaaaaat.... Wednesday is so far from today :(


Is anyone scared about the following statements he made?


"Obviously, there are going to be lots of unhappy people this week. I can tell you from having looked at the numbers that a 4.0 GPA is no guarantee of an interview, although it certainly helps."


I was feeling fine at this point, because it was kind of suggesting that GPA is not the be-all end all of applications, which I am extremely happy about.


Then he says this:


"As a medical school, we recognize that we do not have to chose between academic ability and non-cognitive attributes. The applicant pool is deep enough that we can have BOTH."


Yes, I know he doesn't mean it this way, but a stubborn part of me goes oh geez... so did his first statement actually mean "Having a 4.0 is no guarantee... make sure you have a 4.0 on top of amazing ECs!!!"


Hahahahahahhaaha okay I'm going to stop being stupid now. Just my anxiety kicking in :P

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"Lastly, keep in mind that the average Canadian Medical student applies to medical school some 2.7 time before getting in."


wow..had no idea


Yeah that is a painful statistic but a good one to keep in mind. One of the most amazing med students I know took 3 times to get in. There is luck involved, but of course persistence counts for a lot :)

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Yeah that is a painful statistic but a good one to keep in mind. One of the most amazing med students I know took 3 times to get in. There is luck involved, but of course persistence counts for a lot :)


I'm on round number three, and consider my self an excellent candidate. LOL.

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Just hold on tight! Only a few more days! I remember how painful the waiting was.


For those of you who don't get an interview, keep hope! I didn't get an interview my first time applying. Many of my classmates applied 3,4,5 times.


Can't wait to meet some of you during the interviews!

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I love how all of us are likely incredibly competent people but the stress of this process - it determining your life's path over the next few years - is little less than debilitating.




... now back to studying (or @ least trying to study) for the last few midterms of my degree.

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Wednesday will be a long day!


Does anyone know if Dr. Walker sends the invites himself? Because he tends to work all hours and could send the invites at any time...if thats the case no sleep for me!


I think a few people have access to the ucmedapp email account. I've received emails from both Dr. Walker and April under that email account so who really knows? I'm sure it could done with a click of a button by anyone but I do believe that it is his signature block at the bottom for both the interview invite letter and the acceptance letter.


Best of luck!

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Would anyone care to check my math?


Previously it was stated that 1000 applications were Albertans and about a 100 or so did not meet the minimum requirement, thus 900 made it to full file review.


Sooo, if there are 520 interview spots for Albertans (645 - 120 non Albertans) that means 520/900 individuals will receive an interview?


Obsessive, I know.

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I have so much studying to do and I am having such a hard time focusing.


I am so anxious!!!!


On the bright side, within two days from now we will probably know if we are invited or not. And U of A invites are coming up soon-ish. And so is reading week! Little landmarks are getting me through this awful wait.

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