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Research in Oxford


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Has anybody ever done research in Oxford (or elsewhere in UK)?? I just got a summer research job and I'm looking for any tips about living there :)


i.e., finding somewhere to live, living on a very limited budget (since rent is super expensive there), where to eat/food shop, etc

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Has anybody ever done research in Oxford (or elsewhere in UK)?? I just got a summer research job and I'm looking for any tips about living there :)


i.e., finding somewhere to live, living on a very limited budget (since rent is super expensive there), where to eat/food shop, etc


damn thats exciting!

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Has anybody ever done research in Oxford (or elsewhere in UK)?? I just got a summer research job and I'm looking for any tips about living there :)


i.e., finding somewhere to live, living on a very limited budget (since rent is super expensive there), where to eat/food shop, etc


I don't think many of us have lived in England before. I've been there and stayed for about a week and it's really nice there. The accents are amazing, haha... Unfortunately I don't know anything about living there etc. But I just wanted to congratulate you on getting the position in such a beautiful country!!

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I don't think many of us have lived in England before. I've been there and stayed for about a week and it's really nice there. The accents are amazing, haha... Unfortunately I don't know anything about living there etc. But I just wanted to congratulate you on getting the position in such a beautiful country!!


Yep we love their accents and they love ours :D

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The colleges rent rooms for the summer, so contact them and ask. I stayed at Green College one summer, it was pretty nice there.


Also check out daily info, it is their version of Craigslist that everyone uses. The second summer I was there I found a room for rent on there that was cheaper than the college, and closer to my lab. http://www.dailyinfo.co.uk/


I also got a bike off daily info at the beginning of the summer, and then sold it at the end for the same price, so free transportation for the whole summer! The town is pretty small so most people just bike everywhere, its pretty awesome.

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Has anybody ever done research in Oxford (or elsewhere in UK)?? I just got a summer research job and I'm looking for any tips about living there :)


i.e., finding somewhere to live, living on a very limited budget (since rent is super expensive there), where to eat/food shop, etc


Wow, congrats, that is exciting! What kind of research are you doing there?

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Thanks guys :D My boyfriend is British, so I was really trying hard to find somewhere so we could spend the summer together. I basically emailed all the profs at Cambridge/Oxford that interested me and I heard back from a couple of them (went and interviewed during the break).


I'm working at the Wellcome Trust Center for Human Genetics and I'm either working on induced pluripotent stem cells or creating a protocol for sequencing functional SNPs in neuronal brain tissue for different disease phenotypes.


The colleges rent rooms for the summer, so contact them and ask. I stayed at Green College one summer, it was pretty nice there.

Also check out daily info, it is their version of Craigslist that everyone uses. The second summer I was there I found a room for rent on there that was cheaper than the college, and closer to my lab. http://www.dailyinfo.co.uk/


THANKS!!! Super helpful :)

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