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Radiology Electives

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Just curious if anyone has any particular suggestions for electives for Radiology - when would you suggest doing your home school, any particular schools I shouldn't miss for away electives, and what off service electives would make the most sense?


I am still trying to figure out - even after all this time - if I want to be surgeon or a radiologist. Man I hate making these sorts of decisions, there is a reason I have multiple undergrads - I always want to do everything :)

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Disclaimer: I'm currently going through the match, so take what I say with a grain of salt.


I had heard before setting up my electives that UWO and Ottawa were schools that had a history of preferring students who did electives there (although I'm sure all schools do this to some degree) so I made a point of visiting those. Both were great electives and programs. If there is a specific program that you hope to match do, obviously make sure to show your face there.


Wherever you decide to go, make sure to set Radiology electives up early. They can be pretty tough to get last minute, and you can always cancel them if you decide to go the surgery route.

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My philosophy on radiology electives is to visit the schools you are considering most strongly. The reason for this is twofold: it will allow you to be better known and therefore a stronger candidate, and it will also allow you to make a more informed decision with regards to ranking your top choices (the interview days tend to be shorter and it can be hard to get a good feel for a program you have not visited before, and then you are pretty much going by location).


If you are mobile, consider a cross-country elective to avoid the impression of regional bias. If you are already known at your home school, you may not need to spend much elective time there at all, but you'll be the judge of that. I would imagine you are hanging out in IR anyway with the choice you are trying to make :)


I think the majority of surgical rotations are relevant to radiology in some way - find out how they use imaging to guide their decisions. Consider something you wouldn't have exposure to otherwise, taking into account that different schools' clerkships and PGY-1 years expose trainees to a somewhat varying complement of rotations.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I've been hearing different things regarding non-radiology electives. Some people say it's great to do electives in imaging-heavy fields (neuro, cardio, surg), but others say it doesn't matter.


Does not having any non-rads electives make you a less competitive candidate?


Also, I was wondering what is a typical number of out-of-province electives. I want to visit UBC, but I really don't have an interest in visiting other schools. Will that limit my ability to get interviews at those programs?

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Does not having any non-rads electives make you a less competitive candidate?


Also, I was wondering what is a typical number of out-of-province electives. I want to visit UBC, but I really don't have an interest in visiting other schools. Will that limit my ability to get interviews at those programs?


To answer your first question - not in itself, no; but can make you appear single-minded, or very keen, depending on your perspective.


No typical number - if all your electives are in a small geographic area, it can give the impression that you are less mobile, but if you are from McMaster, then UBC would count as a cross-country elective.


Some programs like to have met candidates on elective; some don't care as much. It depends.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, electives coming in! Looks like I am extremely "cross country" at this point - UBC, Alberta/Calgary, U of S, Western, Dalhousie.


Ha - am I going too far a field here? Toronto hasn't gotten back to me yet, and UBC is double booked with Ottawa. Thoughts?

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Your schedule looks similar to a lot of students from the West!!! A lot of my friends are doing the western cities tour and making a single mandatory stop in Ontario and hitting up Dal because Dal is known to be really awesome.


Where do you want to end up going? If the answer is Ontario, I might give them a little more love and take Ottawa over UBC. Though Vancouver would be awesome to visit.


Either way you've hit a ton of locations and are "demonstrating the ability to move"

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Is that both Alberta and Calgary, rmorelan? If so, it actually looks like you want to leave Ontario :)

About UBC - don't know how much the elective counts for them. It's certainly not a guarantee of an interview, in any case.


well it isn't like I am not trying for ontario as well - They just aren't exactly getting back to me in any reasonable time. In particular TO I guess is being slow - but I hear that is not unusual.


Right now I have UBC, calgary or alberta (same time slot), U of S, Dal, and 2 electives at Western :)

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are these all rads? i've been advised against UBC. they're known to take their own students, moreso than the norm. don't waste your time with them.


not true. people have matched there without even doing an on-site elective. as well, i think it has more to do with people from vancouver wanting to stay in vancouver and ranking it first, while people from the east ranking it lower because it is a substantial move.

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Ok, when you include the electives at Western, you are perfectly balanced across Canada :)


Well that was the idea - I should be able to visit some of the sites I cannot do an elective in while I am away, and if everything works out I might even minimize my airfare costs by only having to go east to west. Of course you never know something might crop up to block that plan :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

hmm looks like TO cancelled my elective - always fun!


Western has offered a rad onc elective - related at least I guess (and another field I have an interest in). Only leaves me with one elective though in rads in Ontario so that means a bit off.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
Just curious if anyone has any particular suggestions for electives for Radiology - when would you suggest doing your home school, any particular schools I shouldn't miss for away electives, and what off service electives would make the most sense?


I am still trying to figure out - even after all this time - if I want to be surgeon or a radiologist. Man I hate making these sorts of decisions, there is a reason I have multiple undergrads - I always want to do everything :)


Oh neat! What made you decide to go for radiology over surgery in the end?

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Oh neat! What made you decide to go for radiology over surgery in the end?


mostly the options with interventional radiology I think - particularly neuro interventional rads. I found some of the surg clinic work to be less than exciting to me for some reason and I really liked the flexibility that radiology offered in the end. Plus it gives you a chance to know what everyone else is doing in the entire hospital - if it is an interesting case then rads is involved.


Two interventional days with the rest image interpretation sounds pretty good to me!

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