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For Medecine : Law vs. Pharmacy

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Simple thread :


Objectively, which is more likely to lead to an acceptance in a Qc med school (Sherbrooke) in the least time ?


Sc. DEC : CRC 32.3


1st year UdeM Law : GPA 3.6/4.3 (1st semester) (based on average and not grades)


*Second semester looks stronger so far


Thanks !

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Simple thread :


Objectively, which is more likely to lead to an acceptance in a Qc med school (Sherbrooke) in the least time ?


Sc. DEC : CRC 32.3


1st year UdeM Law : GPA 3.6/4.3 (1st semester) (based on average and not grades)


*Second semester looks stronger so far


Thanks !


It would have been better to open this thread in the Quebec forum, most people here don't know anything about Quebec, because everything is different in this province.

Also, DON't do Pharmacy at UdeM, the average is B or B+, so it won't be possible to have a good average compared to your peers. Also, Sherbrooke doesn't use a IFD (program's strength), so if an A in sociology is equal to an A in Law if the class average and the standard deviation is the same.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hey Robin Hood,


Regarde le tableau ULaval


Avec la CRL de 31.XXX


Es-tu d'accord qu'il suffit d'être dans la moyenne en Pharmacie pour rentrer en médecine ?


Oui si c'est qui s'applique au bacc de pharmacie s'applique aussi au doctorat, la moyenne du bacc en pharmacie est de 3.381, une moyenne de 3.3 (B+) donne une Cote Laval de ~32.5.


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