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Pharmacie 2012 - Admissions (Universitaires/Collégiens)

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Les demandes d'admissions sont sorties aujourd'hui et je voulais créer un post afin de colliger des informations qui seront utiles aux prochaines générations. Alors je vous invite à tous participer!



Voici le format suggéré:


Catégorie: Universitaire

En cours de bacc/Fin de bacc: Dernière session de mon bacc.

Institution fréquentée et programme: Sciences biopharmaceutique/UdeM

GPA/Cote-R : 3.9x/4.3


Statut: Convoqué pour le test de l'udem, en attente pour laval!

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Catégorie: Universitaire

En cours de bacc/Fin de bacc: Dernière session de mon bacc.

Institution fréquentée et programme: Biochimie/McGill

GPA/Cote-R : Arrondi a 4.0/4.0


Statut: Convoqué pour le test de l'udem, pas applique a UL.


(Et j'ai decide que je n'irai pas en pharmacie)

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2e année de bac


GPA 3.54/4.0



CRA 32.65


Requis (non-connexe)




J'aurais jamais du aller à l'Université, voyager et continuer d'appliquer avec 35.00 comme cégepien, c'est tlm déprimant, j'ai l'impression de me creuser un trou plus profond a chaque jour...

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PharmD à l'UdeM ça devient vraiment ridicule, on est en 2012, et les facultés de médecine se forcent à diversifier leurs classes, et voilà PharmD qui vient favoriser les programmes connexes.

Laval aussi est ridicule avec son 75% cegepiens, et son questionnaire pour les universitaire, où les candidats feraient mieux de travailler dans une pharmacie (quelque chose que les facultés de médecine ne veulent pas avoir (bénevolat à l'hopital)).

Aussi, un conseil à tout ceux qui n'ont pas encore commencé le cegep, FORCEZ-VOUS LE PLUS POSSIBLE (ça s'applique aussi à ceux qui sont au cegep et qui ont une bonne cote), une fois devenu candidat universitaire, vous seriez GRANDEMENT pénalisés, alors, il sera mieux pour vous d'être admis directement à partir du cegep.

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Hey Rewz,


i am probably going into mcgill for my undergraduate, and I chose biology. could you tell me some of the other programs related to biology since i am not sure which one i would prefer and how is biochem? thanks


Il y a Physiology, Immunology, Anatomy and Cell Biology (mais c'est plus de la bio cell, y a pas bcp d'anatomie).

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Er, do you want a list?


Biology, microbiology-and-immunology, biochemistry, neuroscience, anatomy-and-cell-biology, psychology, pharmacology-and-therapeutics and physiology. I think those are all the non-professional bio majors at Mcill.


I'm biased for biochem; these are only my opinions (although I make them sound like they're facts). Biochem is the most basic of the life science fields. Life science research is divided into basic, translational and clinical research, and biochemical techniques are the foundations for the first 2. Also, compared to its closest majors physio and anat, biochem is the most logic-oriented field. You'll still have much more to memorize than a math major though. Again, compared to its closest majors, biochem is the one that retains the most people in research/work post-graduation. Only 10-20% of my class is applying for med although many of us wanted med at the beginning of our undergrad. I think that's a measure of how interesting biochem becomes for the students.


In case you're not aware, in 5 words biochemistry is the study of cellular mechanisms. It's not exactly a mix of bio and chem.


I'm personally against going into a professional school (pharmacy, physiotherapy, etc.) as a stepping stone for med, but that's again only my opinion and has no value to adcoms.


And yes I'm into research too.

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Er, do you want a list?


Biology, microbiology-and-immunology, biochemistry, neuroscience, anatomy-and-cell-biology, psychology, pharmacology-and-therapeutics and physiology. I think those are all the non-professional bio majors at Mcill.


I'm biased for biochem; these are only my opinions (although I make them sound like they're facts). Biochem is the most basic of the life science fields. Life science research is divided into basic, translational and clinical research, and biochemical techniques are the foundations for the first 2. Compared to its closest majors physio and anat, biochem is the most logic-oriented field. You'll still have much more to memorize than a math major though.


In case you're not aware, in 5 words biochemistry is the study of cellular mechanisms. It's not exactly a mix of bio and chem.


I'm personally against going into a professional school (pharmacy, physiotherapy, etc.) as a stepping stone for med, but that's again only my opinion and has no value to adcoms.


Psychology is a bio-related major? I though it was social sciences.

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Why ? Why is pharmacy such a bad stepping stone ?


CAG/CRU/CRL-wise, there's nothing wrong to professional schools. I just don't like the fact that those schools invest in you to become a professional and you ditch them for med. On the other hand normal bachelors educate you to become a better person and going into med after a Bsc/BA/etc. won't deceive the undergrad institution.

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CAG/CRU/CRL-wise, there's nothing wrong to professional schools. I just don't like the fact that those schools invest in you to become a professional and you ditch them for med. On the other hand normal bachelors educate you to become a better person and going into med after a Bsc/BA/etc. won't deceive the undergrad institution.


But you may never get into med, nothing is guarantied in life, so if you like to be a Dentist more than a Biochemist or Mathematician, then go to Dent.

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I have to agree with Rewz on the ethical standpoint.


I have to agree with Robin Hood on the practical standpoint.


Hard decisions.


I like this forum - it gives me hope to see how some people would do anything to get into med school - to help people.


It's probably the hardest way to make 100 k $. I could stay in law school or go to HEC for that.




1st year law bac.


Accepting a ULaval pharm spot would technically open 1 more med door (they don't accept unless u have more credits or go there)

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I have to agree with Rewz on the ethical standpoint.


I have to agree with Robin Hood on the practical standpoint.


Hard decisions.


I like this forum - it gives me hope to see how some people would do anything to get into med school - to help people.


It's probably the hardest way to make 100 k $. I could stay in law school or go to HEC for that.




1st year law bac.


Accepting a ULaval pharm spot would technically open 1 more med door (they don't accept unless u have more credits or go there)


Yes, it will be worth it going to Laval, especially that being in PharmD will allow you to pay for living alone, but it's important to go where we feel the most confortable.

En passant, es-tu convoque au test psychometrique a Laval?

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By that you mean it's a good life experience being on my own and paying ?


(Which of course is true)


No, I meant it's worth it for Laval medz, because UdeM will be hard en cours de bacc and Sherbrooke's Z Score disavantages people at hard programs? Were you invited to the test psychometrique?

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