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Ministry of Health is increasing the number of post-grad spots for IMGs

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There will be 40 new positions for IMGs in family medicine over the next several years.


Interesting document!


I think this sentence is worth reading more than once:

Canadian students who are unsuccessful in being admitted to a Canadian medical school and decide to attend a foreign medical school, do so largely because they believe there is a shortage of physicians in Canada, and there will be opportunities for them to return to Canada to practice medicine.


Also I didn't realize that IMGs in BC had to pass the QE Part I before being eligible for CaRMS!

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They are adding more spots, yet still requiring you to do an OSCE that isn't held until AFTER CaRMS is over with.


ha, joyful :) these spots aren't specific for Canadians coming home as well just any IMG. That makes sense but I hope they weren't trying to imply otherwise.


Do they in the document actually say there is a shortage? I mean people can "believe" whatever they want but the report should probably actually state the current state of things.

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ha, joyful :) these spots aren't specific for Canadians coming home as well just any IMG. That makes sense but I hope they weren't trying to imply otherwise.


Do they in the document actually say there is a shortage? I mean people can "believe" whatever they want but the report should probably actually state the current state of things.


The ironic thing is that by implementing an OSCE that occurs after new grads have matched elsewhere, these spots are implied for immigrants to Canada who are looking to retrain or for those who fail to match and have to sit out a year.


I don't think the document mentions a shortage, although there is a shortage of family physicians in many regions of BC. Even in Metro Vancouver it is very difficult to find a family physician accepting new patients. Although it is easy to go to a walk-in clinic and the wait is usually 30-60 mins.

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Canadian students who are unsuccessful in being admitted to a Canadian medical school and decide to attend a foreign medical school, do so largely because they believe there is a shortage of physicians in Canada, and there will be opportunities for them to return to Canada to practice medicine.


PR fail.


I actually had a chat with Dr. Masri (head of Orthopeadics at UBC) about that a little while ago.


He's pretty convinced that these new positions are opening up to accomadate the offspring of some well connected parents who wanted to make sure their darling children who were forced to go overseas for medical training will have a career to come back to. I don't think he's wrong.

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Canadian students who are unsuccessful in being admitted to a Canadian medical school and decide to attend a foreign medical school, do so largely because they believe there is a shortage of physicians in Canada, and there will be opportunities for them to return to Canada to practice medicine.


PR fail.


I actually had a chat with Dr. Masri (head of Orthopeadics at UBC) about that a little while ago.


He's pretty convinced that these new positions are opening up to accomadate the offspring of some well connected parents who wanted to make sure their darling children who were forced to go overseas for medical training will have a career to come back to. I don't think he's wrong.


I wouldn't be surprised, I've heard of several doctors' kids going to Ireland with no reported concerns wrt returning to Canada.

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