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How do you take notes?


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I know many people take notes differently so how do u take them? Curious at all the diff methods



-print out slides be4 class 6 images /page



-annotate a 6 image/page pdf on my computer then later on i print them out

-i find it is faster to type up stuff, then to write by hand


no lecture slides

-I arrange stuff into topics and type it out.

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Depends for the course.


If i know the teacher asks his questions straight from his or her notes, I just print the slides and learn/memorize. For other courses such as physiology, where the teacher may ask questions from his lectures + book, I print the slides in advance, 3 per page with the lines next to them. I bring those slides to class, and if he mentions something relevant I add them, then afterwards when i read the chapters in the book, if i find some things better explained in the book I add those too.

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When I was in undergrad I taped all my lectures and re-listened while handwriting a set of comprehensive notes to study from.


Now in med, I take notes on my computer in class then when I get home I hand-write a comprehensive set of notes from my preliminary notes and the slides.

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When I was in undergrad I taped all my lectures and re-listened while handwriting a set of comprehensive notes to study from.


Now in med, I take notes on my computer in class then when I get home I hand-write a comprehensive set of notes from my preliminary notes and the slides.


Is it just me or does listening to lectures + taking notes take a really long time? The first time I did that I thought it would be min per min, but it did not work out that way haha

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In my university, they don't allow the recording of their lectures. So that's a big no-no for me. Personally, I just sit there and listen. I do write down some stuff that isn't on the slides already, but mostly I just absorb what's said. Been working for me so far.

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I never write anything down during the lecture, it doesn't work for me. I try to treat the lectures as an interesting documentary or a tv-show, basically a form of entertainment and just enjoy it.


Then I go home and watch the lectures online while hand-writing out my notes. And yes, it takes a very long time. For me it's around 2.5:1, but that might be that I tend to get a bit distracted.

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easy. sit at the front and record anyway.


Agree OR get a really good recorder and sit anywhere and still get good audio quality. I got my recorder for $150 (reg $240 I think) and it picks up audio from pretty much anywhere even if I put the recorder under my seat.


And if its a bit weak then I just enhance it via some software and bobs your uncle

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I never write anything down during the lecture, it doesn't work for me. I try to treat the lectures as an interesting documentary or a tv-show, basically a form of entertainment and just enjoy it.


Then I go home and watch the lectures online while hand-writing out my notes. And yes, it takes a very long time. For me it's around 2.5:1, but that might be that I tend to get a bit distracted.


Yeah for me it's anywhere from 1.5:1-3:1


Does anyone know if those recorders who 'write down' what the prof says actually work?

When I heard those Best Buy commericals I actually went to check it out bt they started talking about having to 'train' the recorder so I just settled for the one I have now haha

I guess writing down the notes can be better, it's just annoying for courses that use lectures and textbook lol

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