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Why on earth would you be worried about someone stealing your EC list? Its not like a secret formula for success. Even if someone volunteered at all the same places I did they're not going to have the same level of involvement or develop the exact same skills I did.


OP: My recommendation is similar to FD- do what you enjoy. That way you're more likely to stick with it, more likely to get involved on more than just a superficial level, and it will be something you actually look forward to doing. If you don't know what you like, try some things out. I'd also recommend trying at least one thing that pushes you beyond your comfort zone. Showing that you're able to do that is a desirable quality to have in a physician imo.


Personally I've done a lot of coaching youth sports, research involvement, and extensive volunteering at a crisis centre. A good way to get a feel for what people are doing is to check out the school specific forums and look at the accepted/rejected threads.

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My ECs are probably the strongest part of my application. Mind you, that isn't saying much, considering my GPA :rolleyes: It's sort of like bragging about the mileage a Prius gets.


Anyway, I'm not really into sports but I've pursued writing as an interest over the past 5 or 6 years. I also used my interest in writing for my community service (co-created a literacy workshop for elementary schools), plus some other volunteer work.


I still need to work a bit on my research and medically-related volunteer work. I worked with a surgeon on some vascular research a little while ago, but I'm planning on working in some more labs. Also volunteering in a hospital over the summer.

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