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Exam deferrals

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Have any of you been able to get an exam deferred even if it wasn't technically an official "exam conflict" ?


I have 4 exams in 3 days, I don't know how they expect me to do this. :confused:


I tried calling but I've been on hold for like 30 minutes, so now I'm wondering if it's even worth me going there..

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Have any of you been able to get an exam deferred even if it wasn't technically an official "exam conflict" ?


I have 4 exams in 3 days, I don't know how they expect me to do this. :confused:


I tried calling but I've been on hold for like 30 minutes, so now I'm wondering if it's even worth me going there..


I have ADHD, and my teachers refused to reschedule my exams, (I will try with the guy charged with requests for deferrals), so I think there's little chance of it happening, but it depends on your university's/dept's policies.

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Have any of you been able to get an exam deferred even if it wasn't technically an official "exam conflict" ?


I have 4 exams in 3 days, I don't know how they expect me to do this. :confused:


I tried calling but I've been on hold for like 30 minutes, so now I'm wondering if it's even worth me going there..


People have 3-4 exams in 3 days all the time... unless all your exams are during the first 3 days of the exam period, its not really a reason to get them deferred. Plus, they will never take that as a reason to defer an exam, sorry. Last year, all the core 3rd year bio courses were around the same time i.e. molec bio 2, viro, immuno, advanced biochem etc...

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I know my school has a policy about not having Y number of exams in X hours. I don't remember what X & Y are, but mayhaps your school has a similar relevant policy. I would ask! Actually, that is not true, I would tough it out because I like having my exams close together. But you should ask if that is what you want to do.

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York has the rule that we can get exams deferred if we have 3 within 24 hours

Also, they're fairly lenient with exam rescheduling for religious holidays if it lands on Easter or passover (if you celebrate either lol)

Also, my friend missed the 24 hour rule by like 2 hours, and got his exam deferred by talking to the prof, but I don't know how common that is lol

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worst comes to worst...the stress might really get to you...and you might get...sick. ;)


If you are desperate enough you could go sit in the hospitals ER for a few hours and hope you catch the flu? :P LOLL


I know of classmates who end up getting doctors notes to get a deferral on their exams. I personally would rather just study and be OVER with the exams then to have to worry about re-doing them...but thats just me :/

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Finally got through and it's a no go. :(

My exams are on the 10th,12th and 13 and I have 4. I would consider that somewhat close to the beginning of exams, especially considering I had way too many assignments to hand in last week so I really got to studying on sundayish.



It's bittersweet though, I need the time, but I also don't want to write in August. =/

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I'd study like crazy (sleep 3-4 hours a day) for all of the days you still got left until your exams - so you're adequately prepared for all of them.


Unless you end up getting sick before your exams there is nothing you can do now. Just study and hope for the best!


hahaha i can't see 3-4 hours of sleep, daily, as being good for your health or your information retention. i wish i could do that :(

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I'd study like crazy (sleep 3-4 hours a day) for all of the days you still got left until your exams - so you're adequately prepared for all of them.


Unless you end up getting sick before your exams there is nothing you can do now. Just study and hope for the best!

I personally wouldn't do that. Not only is it bad for your health but you probably won't be able to retain much of the information you're studying anyways because you're not well rested.


Wasn't the exam schedule posted way back in late February/early March? Personally I don't see them giving you a deferral especially with such a large notice as that.

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I personally wouldn't do that. Not only is it bad for your health but you probably won't be able to retain much of the information you're studying anyways because you're not well rested.


Wasn't the exam schedule posted way back in late February/early March? Personally I don't see them giving you a deferral especially with such a large notice as that.


Im in school, its not as if I was sitting on my bum doing nothing, march was full of midterms and assignments.

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Im in school, its not as if I was sitting on my bum doing nothing, march was full of midterms and assignments.


It doesn't matter how busy or light your schedule was in March. If you believed you had a valid excuse to present, you should have done so by the stated deadlines. It is very common for courses to pile up the midterms and assignments during the last month of the semesters, so that excuse is out the window.


If I were you, I would just buckle down and get to work. Don't waste time trying to figure out how you can get out of this situation. The only way you can move your exams now is if you get a doctor's note to defer them. However, given the fact all your exams are within 3 days of each other, that would mean you would HAVE to postpone all your exams to a later date, presumably in the summer.

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Have any of you been able to get an exam deferred even if it wasn't technically an official "exam conflict" ?


I have 4 exams in 3 days, I don't know how they expect me to do this. :confused:


I tried calling but I've been on hold for like 30 minutes, so now I'm wondering if it's even worth me going there..


Thats not that bad of a schedule. In first year, I had 5 exams in 2 consecutive days. That was horrendous.

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