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UManitoba PA Program last 60 credit hours

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I was wondering for one who did 5 years of undergrad, does UManitoba consider the 5th year you did post-convocation along with the 4th year for gpa, or do they only look at the years within your HBSc degree? Also, if yes, would you have to apply after finishing your 5th year for it to be considered, since their application deadline is at the end of November and I'm not sure when they send out interview invites? Or, if you apply while doing your 5th year, do they at least look at your first semester?


Also, when they say they look at your last 2 years do they still consider cgpa with a main focus on last 2 years, or do they strictly look at last 2?


Hope the post wasn't confusing lol and I'd really appreciate any help!

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I did a five year degree (double major), and they count your 60 credit hours counting from your last course you took, and then back. Don't know if that helps or not! If you apply in your 5th year (I was finished my degree when I applied) I would assume they would look at what you had, and you would have to send them your marks by May as soon as you found them out after your exams.


I agree with Pearl though, best to ask for clarification

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