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Job exeperience

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Not at all. You should have a good knowledge of the profession, and I'm sure you gained a lot of knowledge by volunteering. That's all that matters.


I mean, a job shows them that you don't study 24/7, but I don't think not having a job is a negative factor.


Pharmacy schools (primarily) want to know whether a student really knows what they're getting into.


EDIT: Wait, did you mean volunteering in general or volunteering at a pharmacy? Regardless, if you have "tons of volunteering hours", it shows that you dedicate some of your time to ECs and that's a positive... whether you get paid or not shouldn't matter. Diversity is good (i.e. volunteer and a job) but I think it's a must-have.

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I'm currently a pharmacy tech..different but from what i can tell from being around people at work, your application doesn't need any previous 'job' experience. you're applying to get education, not a job; if it was the latter, work experience would matter, but not for school imo.


Lydia Lee, Ottawa

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