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As anyone ever done worse in their 2nd degree than their first?

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I'm in my third year of my 1st undergrad at UWO. I have always been interested in Computer science, but avoided taking senior level courses in math/programming because I was worried that they would be too hard and difficult to get a good grade in. However, I am starting to regret it. If I don't get into medschool after 4th year and I have time to kill, I thinking about doing a 2nd undergrad in bioinformatics purely for interest sake. Given that I have a lot of the requirements already, I should finish in 2 years. The problem is I'm worried I might do worse in my 2nd undergrad and medschools will only look at that. Has this ever happened to anyone before?

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People usually do way better in 2nd degree due to the fact that they have a clear goal to pursue. Knowing you are spend these extra years, Make the best of it.


Has it happened - sure, people have made mistakes in selecting their second degree or "life happens".


That being said as ziweiwu says it is rare - you know more, you select the right degree, you avoid tough courses or at least know what you are getting into and generally are just more serious about everything.

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