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Second degree rout


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Hi everyone,


After reading these threads in many middle-of-the-night-panick moments, trying to figure out what to do, i though i should probably post.


I have a low gpa, just under 3.1 in math, comp sci and econ honrs. My degree took 6 years, as my first year was flagged out of my transcript for major depression at the time ( i failed everything and had to actually reapply to uni)

And i spend the last year doing the premed courses.

The big, big mistake was that as i was doing these courses i gave up, i decided i had no chance and now my basic sci gpa is about 3.


I do have the biggest upward trend, research and good EC, decent LOR, and am expecting to do well on MCAT.(35+)


What everyone thinks is best next move for me?

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Hi everyone,


After reading these threads in many middle-of-the-night-panick moments, trying to figure out what to do, i though i should probably post.


I have a low gpa, just under 3.1 in math, comp sci and econ honrs. My degree took 6 years, as my first year was flagged out of my transcript for major depression at the time ( i failed everything and had to actually reapply to uni)

And i spend the last year doing the premed courses.

The big, big mistake was that as i was doing these courses i gave up, i decided i had no chance and now my basic sci gpa is about 3.


I do have the biggest upward trend, research and good EC, decent LOR, and am expecting to do well on MCAT.(35+)


What everyone thinks is best next move for me?


sorry to hear you were having troubles! First it sounds like you are about to write the mcat - I would do that so you have something latch onto.


We can look at your degree break down by year and course load/course level if you like to see if you qualify under some of the more remote schools. Otherwise you best bet is likely a quick second degree (of 2 year duration). If you that and are successful can reset things for a few schools.


These evaluations are always complex - where you are right now province wise, where you grew up, where you would take a second degree etc can have big impacts on things. But we can start to go through it if you like!

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