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  • 1 month later...

I like this 2Year GPA thing. it gives a chance to people who worked hard against all odds and got their acts together or to people who went through a rough time at a certain point in life.


not every one is born great people become great.

I don't think people should be judged based on previous failures as long as they have learned and improved drastically, maybe they even become better than everyone else.

Doctors Give second chances to people and they should reflect this concept in their admissions.


I guess my point is reflected in this quote:

"What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?"

Regina Dugan (DARPA)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Do you have to have 30 credits in those 2 years, or just be a "full-time" student? Also, they don't have to be consecutive either, eh?


So for somebody who's done 4 years of undergrad, Queen's will take the best 2 out of the 4 years? That's pretty awesome... but I bet the average GPA is also around 3.90 then.


EDIT: Nvm... Most recent two full years.

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