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Cardiology III vs Master Cardiology

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If I were in that position again I would probably go with the Master Cardiology. There isn't that much of a difference in price and you're going to use this stethoscope for years. That said, the vast majority of students use the cardiology III.

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I have the Littman Cardiology III and it works well for me. Most of the class all got the same one. I don't know anyone with the Master Cardiology. One of my classmates has the Master Classic II and is happy with that. I think really most stethoscopes with a performance rating of 8 or better are probably fine for medical school and most general purposes.

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I have a Cardio III, I would say for most med students that's good enough. Remember for stethoscopes the most important part is what's between the ears that counts


I'm working on the assumption that getting a better stethoscope will help account for my other deficits.

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If I were in that position again I would probably go with the Master Cardiology. There isn't that much of a difference in price and you're going to use this stethoscope for years. That said, the vast majority of students use the cardiology III.


You might not. Once I started residency I very rarely used mine. If I need one on the floor I usually just borrow a nurses. All I am usually listening for is fluid overload and occasionally pneumonia.


I am a surgical resident however.

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I have a cardiology 3 and it's just fine so far. Personally I don't think it matters so much - I have listened to cheaper steths and more expensive ones and it seems mostly the same to me. I mostly got that one because I'm a conformist at heart.

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Which stethoscope do you prefer? The Littmann Cardiology III or the Master Cardiology?


get the cardiology III. you don't want to be the d-bag med student with the "fancy" stethoscope. you will get made fun of behind your back. it's mean, yes. but such is life.

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My take on this - just get something that won't hurt your ears when worn for a period of time. If you do end up going into a field where you use the stethoscope for anything requiring more discernment than vitals and detecting loud crackles/murmurs, I'm sure you can upgrade if necessary (perhaps someone in IM can speak more to this).

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Get whichever one is cheaper.


The stethoscope is more of a badge of honor than something useful. It has a few key roles for a few situations but its not important to get a state-of-the-art one. Just make sure the model you are using is higher than the ones the nurses use, otherwise you run the risk of being ostracized.


And the ones that the nurses use definitely don't work as well as the cardiology III. Some of my friends couldn't believe the difference between my steth (cardio III) and theirs when we were doing assessments in my first year nursing classes.

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Yeah- learning how to do bps, abdominal, respiratory, and cardiac assessments in class. And in clinical- some people found it hard to hear certain sounds, but I had no problem at all with the cardio III (they were just using the student steth).

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