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Help with Mac lost file


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Hey yall,


So, I am working on a project this summer. I had spent an entire day writing a particular document using Word (for mac OS X) and had saved said document into my project folder.


I know I had saved the file because when I open Word I can still see the file title under "open recent".


The file is not in my project folder where I saved it, when I click on the "open recent" tab and click on this file it says "Microsoft Word was unable to locate [document title].docx, would you like to locate the file yourself?"


I have used the search function to search through all the folders on my hard drive and and checked the trash (repeatedly in hope that it will come home to me).


HELP! Any ideas on what I can do?? I have looked at some forums online but to no avail.

Help a brotha out PLEASE

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So basically, the file has been moved or removed since you last saved it. You've already tried Spotlight, and looked in the trash... It wasn't on a removable drive or a network drive?


Perhaps it's been renamed? If you're using Lion you can go to "All My Files" in Finder and sort by Date Modified (in Snow Leopard you can bring up all your files using a Spotlight query - or search for all .doc or .docx files).


I know this doesn't help now, but for the future - when I'm working on a big project I like to keep the project folder inside my Dropbox folder. It saves versions and even if you delete it, you can recover it within a certain time period.

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It's very easy to recover deleted files.


When you delete something, it doesn't actually remove it from the hard drive it just tells the file table that the data can be overwritten.


I use Recuva for Windows to do this, I don't know what the Mac equivalent is.


Just google "mac file recovery.

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It's very easy to recover deleted files.


When you delete something, it doesn't actually remove it from the hard drive it just tells the file table that the data can be overwritten.


I use Recuva for Windows to do this, I don't know what the Mac equivalent is.


Just google "mac file recovery.


Its called time machine. But im pretty sure OP has already tried that. I dont think he deleted the file though. So there is no point in using that.

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Its called time machine. But im pretty sure OP has already tried that. I dont think he deleted the file though. So there is no point in using that.


No time machine is a backup program.


This searches you hard drive for deleted files and recovers them.


If he didn't delete it then he just needs to use spotlight or another search program that does a deep search.

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No time machine is a backup program.


This searches you hard drive for deleted files and recovers them.


If he didn't delete it then he just needs to use spotlight or another search program that does a deep search.


time machine automatically backs up your files so if you delete something by accident there will be a spare copy saved. So you could say its backup/recovery.

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