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RBC Infinite Avion Fee Waived?

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Has anyone managed to get the RBC infinite avion with the fee waived this cycle? I know it's happened in the past and I was talking with the RBC advisor, but he explicitly stated that they used to do that but are not anymore. I'm wondering whether he's misinformed or just doesn't want to give it to me (because I wasn't a very hard sell, and he didn't really have to work for my business)

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I notice that many ppl talk about the infinite, do they mean the platinum? The infinite requires a $60 000 annual salary... or does RBC waive that requirement with the massive LOC?


They mean the infinite. Or at least, that's what I have. Even though we have no income now, it's based on expected future income and the money they'll make off of you with the LOC.


And to answer the OPs question, I have had the first two years' fees waived, but by referring people to the specialist in my area. I'm not sure if this is unique to the branch near Dal, or if this is an RBC wide thing though.

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The "advisor" I spoke to said the entire RBC policy changed from previous years and they were not giving these out at all, so he misled me and concealed information, unless he was misinformed. Either way, I'm not pleased with how he handled himself.


If he's misinformed, I don't want to do business with someone who can't keep current with his own bank's policies, and if he concealed it from me, then I can't trust him to work with me in the future.

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The "advisor" I spoke to said the entire RBC policy changed from previous years and they were not giving these out at all, so he misled me and concealed information, unless he was misinformed. Either way, I'm not pleased with how he handled himself.


If he's misinformed, I don't want to do business with someone who can't keep current with his own bank's policies, and if he concealed it from me, then I can't trust him to work with me in the future.


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Hi guys,


I was really calm/well educated with my negotiations, and I got someone who deals with my family often at RBC. I got offered the card, with all fees (~$149/yr) waived for each year I'm in school, 250k, and I'm trying to negotiate one last term. One thing he said that really stuck with me, "I can help you with any aspect of the deal, where our bank makes a profit. I can't help you with anything where we have expenditures." So anything I negotiate has to do with a reduced profit that they gain from me, rather than increasing their costs.


I feel like this is a good deal based on others experiences; however, I feel like we all should really give a good fight to these banks who will no doubt be profiting from our business.

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