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UofT Essay

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This info can be found in the omsas booklet: http://www.ouac.on.ca/docs/omsas/b_omsas_e.pdf


Here's what it says:

All applicants are required to submit an original personal statement, in an essay of 1,000 words or less. As a general guideline, the statement should address and discuss the applicant’s personal background, including particular interests and extracurricular experiences. Candidates should outline their choice of, and preparation for, a career in medicine. Applicants should also describe their premedical studies, expanding on what they have chosen to pursue and how this has prepared them for their future, including a career in medicine.

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It is like preparing a delicious meal for important guests without a recipe.:P We are on our own and need to use our gut and best judgment. It is best if your Personal Statement has a theme and your stories will continue with the thread until your summary and conclusion. Better to give fewer experiences with more depth showing who you are than more experiences with less depth. You story should capture the attention of the reader so that he/she will want to meet you.


Don't use any of the laundry list of self-serving attributes they are looking for. These should just jump off the pages from your desricption. And don't be so tight with words so that it does not read well, better to leave out a sentence and have the essay flow.


Structure, organization and flow are very important. I started with my theme and a brief introduction. I tell of as a young teen, I regularly visited a wheelchair bound junior diabetic middle aged kindly lady, failed double organ transplant, always saved by EMS, who ultimately dies of diabetic coma all alone at age 58, all she needed was orange juice to save her life. First funeral I ever attended and her courage, dignity and joie de vivre changed my life forever. This lady of blessed and treasured memory is my inspiration that I have put into action. I had two other die on my watch, altho not in my presence, a cancer victim and an Alzheinmer's victim. As part of my studies I attended to chronic elderly patients suffering from MS, stroke, Parkinson's etc and have learned so much from practical experience, especially in communication skills with elderly patients with neurological and phyiscial problems. So, there is a thread in all I do. My activities are all clean cut, require devotion, focus....ooops, I never used this laundry list of words as it comes out in my stories. I brought it all together in a summary and then I concluded as to my future. Every sentence is effectively structured for part of the para. and each para is linked to the other. I also discuss my role model so they understand where I am coming from. I want to give back to Canada what Canada has given to me. It is really quite a compelling read I have been told. You need to show you are well rounded and connect the dots that bring you to medicine by telling stories and showing your passion, who you are in depth, your character.


Like Hansel & Gretel, drop the pebbles and bread crumbs so that the reader can clearly see your pathway towards medicine.

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  • 4 weeks later...
All applicants are required to submit an original personal statement, in an essay of 1,000 words or less. Essay writing is not an easy task. it needs practice and guidance. Many essay writing companies review are available in web which provide better guidance to students in essay writing.


Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh troll. You really suck hardcore. Even if the PS still existed, you're linking to an ESSAY WRITING COMPANY which kind of negates the whole task of "writing about yourself and showing the adcom your writing abilities".

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  • 3 weeks later...
The 1000 word personal essay doesn't exist anymore. Check out OMSAS's new guidelines for this year:




UofT requires 4 short 250 word "essays" where you answer 4 questions about your experiences. You also need to expand on 3 of your ABS activities this year in a description of 250 words or less.


Appreciate it, having a read through now.

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  • 2 months later...
Nowadays many many essay writing services are available online. Many students are using them, many students are victims of scam services also. So if you are going to take help from them, be sure you select the best and genuine essay writing company. The best review sites help to find the best essay writing service.


Too bad the essay no longer exists :)

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