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Orientation Week

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Just curious, I am trying to plan some vacations for the end for august and would like to know what is involved in Orientation week? And when classes actually begin. Also any word when we will receive student numbers or an acceptance package? Thanks.

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Just curious, I am trying to plan some vacations for the end for august and would like to know what is involved in Orientation week? And when classes actually begin. Also any word when we will receive student numbers or an acceptance package? Thanks.

I actually received my student number when I called the Financial Aid Office. lol..They asked me for it but when I said I didn't have one, they verified my identity and told me what it was. I then started to create an account with the number but I couldn't get past the stage where you get your user name and ID because "my account had not been created". When I went to the Admin office, they told me that we would be getting some more instructions/info soon about the student center website.

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I know I had a working student number by July because I started using Student Health Services then, and I also had my @uwo.ca email by I think mid-July, and I could access Student Centre and the online systems, but you don't get your @meds.uwo.ca email until orientation - there's a tech orientation where they set it up with you and show you how to use One45 and the meds-specific websites.


The closest you'll get to an acceptance package is probably that webpage with all the forms - there will be an orientation schedule there for the official school orientation (the one run by the students is a different website) and some welcome letters and things like that.


The orientation is sort of two parts - there is a part that is run by Schulich which is mandatory (though they did not take attendance) and consists of talks by different staff members and white coat and the tech orientation, and then after that there's the student run one. I didn't go to that last year, so maybe someone else will comment on that.


You might be interested in this page: http://www.schulich.uwo.ca/medicine/undergraduate/sessionaldates


You can see on it when classes will start and when vacations will be and you can also look at this past year's course schedule to see how long everything was and when the exams were. When I was excited about starting I also liked public One45 because you can see our entire class schedule with lectures and small groups and everything for the whole year. It won't be up for 2012/2013 but you can look at this last year and expect that a lot of it will be similar.

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