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about fellowships in Europe...or outside Canada

Guest monkey

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Guest monkey

hey guys


i was thinking that maybe i would like to do fellowship in Europe somewhere...i just wanted to know if there is information available on how one goes about applying for that...or if it is not common for people to do that. in short, any opinions/thoughts/concerns?!



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Guest Ian Wong

No idea. The situation could very likely change by the time you finish your residency, and the people who might be able to help you are residents themselves, of which there aren't any on this board.



UBC, Med 3

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there monkey,


I don't know about Canadian residents nipping abroad, but at least here in Canada, it seems that it's a viable option for residents from other countries. In the surgical unit where I work, and also, in the neurosurgery unit at the Toronto Western, residents seem to come over often for short and longer periods of specialty training with the surgical staff. Therefore, I'd imagine that reciprocal agreements may be in place. The Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, for example, has reciprocal agreements with both, UofT and Mac for undergraduate medical electives, but I've never looked into fellowships or residency rotations.


As Ian mentioned, it's probably best to contact the hospitals which are of interest. Barring any language barriers, etc., it may be a possibility, and a fun one at that.




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