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What type of minor do nursing students usually take?


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We don't do minors in nursing - you absolutely would not have the time given the amount of time you spend in clinical. I don't think any schools even offer minors to nursing students but I may be wrong?? You should contact your school

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I have a friend who is finishing her undergrad with a minor in psychology- she was only able to do so by making every elective a psychology credit and then taking an extra credit or two in the summer, above and beyond the number of courses required for a nursing degree. She was only able to do this because we already take psychology credits in nursing, and I'm not sure how much benefit it would even have in the long run.


Moral of the story, it takes a lot to make it happen, and even then, I don't think you really gain too too much by completing it.

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I got a minor in Finnish studies lol.. Lakehead is probably the only university that offers this. And I did one of the 3 FCEs in a previous degree. The interview committee was impressed by it though, a lot of older Finnish people in Thunder Bay so they liked that I speak Finnish, but I assume they would have liked that just as much if I didn't have the minor... I think a couple people in my class got a minor in gerontology, but again may have completed some of those credits as part of another degree.

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There is no minor in nursing course. Above and beyond the variety of programs needed for a course level.A person was only able to do this because we already take mindset attributes in study and I am not sure how much advantage it would even have in the lengthy run.

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