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Publications and 2 Research Jobs


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I know it is very difficult to get published, however I was wondering whether certain fields are easier to publish in for undergrads. Also, does getting summer research scholarships (where they give you a project to complete in a set amount of time) better the chances of getting a publication?


I am currently working with a researcher and would like to perhaps take on a second research job (to earn more money since the first one doesn't have eough working hours for me). Do you think this is a good idea or should I just commit fully to one PI?


Thanks so much

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I'm not sure I have enough information to provide much insight on your specific situation, but speaking from experience - if getting published is something you're really interested in, be open about it! I had a research job last summer where summer students didn't generally do anything like that, but I told my PI I was interested in publication from the get-go and she was more than happy to help me make it happen. I had to work harder than I would have otherwise, but it was a great learning experience and I really enjoyed it. Be open with potential PI's and you're likely to find someone who will be willing to help you out!

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I know it is very difficult to get published, however I was wondering whether certain fields are easier to publish in for undergrads. Also, does getting summer research scholarships (where they give you a project to complete in a set amount of time) better the chances of getting a publication?


I am currently working with a researcher and would like to perhaps take on a second research job (to earn more money since the first one doesn't have eough working hours for me). Do you think this is a good idea or should I just commit fully to one PI?


Thanks so much


I would assume that it is easier to get published in a field that is growing or just starting

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