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Bio : TPRH + EK > BR

Organic: BR was really good, some prefer TPRH

Chem: BR.. and BR, no really, best book for this subject by far

Physics: BR is good, TPR is alright.

VR: EK101, TPRH Verbal .


Many have used Kaplan to succeed too; this all depends how strong you are in your sciences. For me who had basically done 0 prereqs til the start of May this year save a few bio courses, I needed an incredibly in-depth review. BR gives you that and more.


Btw the best prep over all of these = AAMC tests + AAMC self assessment. You will see the best score improvements once you start to really study off of these and understand the stamina / critical thinking it takes to get a 30+.


You might also just be one of the typical premeds on here that seem to score high 30's with ease ;) .


These threads are immensely helpful, you can see the superstars who score 30+ on their MCAT and what prep materials they used here:




take it for what it's worth

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i'm guessing it means first and second semester first year courses, as most first year physics, chem, and bios are divided into two semesters' worth of material (ex. physics 101 and physics 102 = physics 1 and 2 = physics 1/2). hope this helps (and i also hope it's right)!

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i'm guessing it means first and second semester first year courses, as most first year physics, chem, and bios are divided into two semesters' worth of material (ex. physics 101 and physics 102 = physics 1 and 2 = physics 1/2). hope this helps (and i also hope it's right)!


Yes :) .


Anyone who takes these prereqs will have an immense advantage going in to prep for the exam.

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Ohh yeah of course, i wasn't planning on taking the mcat the first time until after second year, or close to the end of second year.


prob wanna look at hitting up the former scenario, as the end of second year will bring regular university studying + exams, which would probably demolish your desire to do more studying than necessary, haha

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You don't think it would be better to have more classes behind me?


No, it would. That's why you should take if after second year. By this point in time, you should have completed all of the relevant prereqs.


It would be a bad idea to take it during the academic year. Your performance on the MCAT, and your exams, will suffer.

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No, it would. That's why you should take if after second year. By this point in time, you should have completed all of the relevant prereqs.


It would be a bad idea to take it during the academic year. Your performance on the MCAT, and your exams, will suffer.


clear and concise writing ftw! this quote is what i was trying to say.

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Honestly, I loved EK.... it makes stuff so intuitive and has nice mnemonics (but, again, if you didn't take a course in the subject, you're probably screwed).


I took 1st year phys and two chems, but @ York (which, apparently, meant that a good deal of stuff wasn't covered)...


if you can help it, get the whole set + the 1001 books... at least for me I found that the 1001 BIO was the closest to what my real mcat looked like (although I understand that others might disagree, but then again the tests vary)..


I took a princeton course @ the same time, and I can tell you that if you actually took the courses, don't waste your time with Princeton... their stuff's rather on the easy-end imho...


if you can do the stuff @ the back of EK books, at least for the PS, I feel that you're good to go... I got 14 on my PS, and I used mostly EK's books

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys, so got some help from field, before i go buying stuff I want to make sure these are the right books as specified.


http://www.examkrackers.com/Store/Product_Details.aspx?p=162 VR

http://www.examkrackers.com/Store/Product_Details.aspx?p=162 Would you recommend this for VR as well?

http://www.randomhouse.com/princetonreview/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780375427923 Biol

http://www.berkeley-review.com/TBR/home-study.html This one for Orgo, chem, and phys.


That's all right correct?

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Hey guys, so got some help from field, before i go buying stuff I want to make sure these are the right books as specified.


http://www.examkrackers.com/Store/Product_Details.aspx?p=162 VR

http://www.examkrackers.com/Store/Product_Details.aspx?p=162 Would you recommend this for VR as well?

http://www.randomhouse.com/princetonreview/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780375427923 Biol

http://www.berkeley-review.com/TBR/home-study.html This one for Orgo, chem, and phys.


That's all right correct?

The 2 links for VR are both the same--but you want to get the EK 101 Verbal Book, that's more important for practice. The other one I think has theory about how to approach VR and a couple of sample passages (someone correct me). I personally wouldn't get it, but it could be helpful if you need a strategy to tackle VR.

The other ones are all correct. Also try to get your hands on TPR Hyperlearning Science Workbook and Hyerplearning Verbal if you can--they're great for extra practice passages!

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Hey guys, so got some help from field, before i go buying stuff I want to make sure these are the right books as specified.


http://www.examkrackers.com/Store/Product_Details.aspx?p=162 VR

http://www.examkrackers.com/Store/Product_Details.aspx?p=162 Would you recommend this for VR as well?

http://www.randomhouse.com/princetonreview/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780375427923 Biol

http://www.berkeley-review.com/TBR/home-study.html This one for Orgo, chem, and phys.


That's all right correct?


I thought that the ek books were good for concepts but Berkeley review is very comprehensive. Definately get the verbal bookfrom princeton hyperlearning. Basically, I think the books recommended by sn2ed is pretty good for all the sections. But it's hard to find here in canada and shipping from the states is a pain.

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The 2 links for VR are both the same--but you want to get the EK 101 Verbal Book, that's more important for practice. The other one I think has theory about how to approach VR and a couple of sample passages (someone correct me). I personally wouldn't get it, but it could be helpful if you need a strategy to tackle VR.

The other ones are all correct. Also try to get your hands on TPR Hyperlearning Science Workbook and Hyerplearning Verbal if you can--they're great for extra practice passages!



Sorry i must not have copied the other one haha.


I thought that the ek books were good for concepts but Berkeley review is very comprehensive. Definately get the verbal bookfrom princeton hyperlearning. Basically, I think the books recommended by sn2ed is pretty good for all the sections. But it's hard to find here in canada and shipping from the states is a pain.


So from both of you just to clarify. Bio, chem, orgo, phys are good. But for the VR get TPR instead of EK?


Then get just a genera science workbook?

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Sorry i must not have copied the other one haha.




So from both of you just to clarify. Bio, chem, orgo, phys are good. But for the VR get TPR instead of EK?


Then get just a genera science workbook?

Yep, that's the VR book.

You should try to get both--but the TPR Verbal is hard to get your hands on, therefore EK VR should suffice. I haven't taken the MCAT yet but that's what I read on here and on student doctor network.


Yeah the TPR Hyperlearning Science Workbook is golden -- again, it's hard to get your hands on and is usually very expensive. TBR should prepare you well enough though. Again basing this of off what I read on here and on student doctor.

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Yep, that's the VR book.

You should try to get both--but the TPR Verbal is hard to get your hands on, therefore EK VR should suffice. I haven't taken the MCAT yet but that's what I read on here and on student doctor network.


Yeah the TPR Hyperlearning Science Workbook is golden -- again, it's hard to get your hands on and is usually very expensive. TBR should prepare you well enough though. Again basing this of off what I read on here and on student doctor.




That's probably my best bet then hey?

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