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Not showing up to the interview impact

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Hi guys,


Last year due to academic conflicts and other mandatory commitments, I did not attend the U Alberta interview ( I had many others and felt I needed to exclude one school to free up my time ). I had a lot to lose by maintaining the grueling schedule along with traveling across the country. I unfortunately did not get accepted anywhere last year and am planning on applying again. Would not showing up for the interview last year negatively impact my chances of getting an interview and maybe admissions afterwards? Is there a chance that the admissions committee will have a negative bias or deduct "points" against my application?



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Did you notify them beforehand or were you a no-show? My impression is that UofA process is rather systematic and they probably wouldn't deduct points, but I could be wrong. I remember Ian Walker (UofC admissions director) made a post last year about how unfortunate it was that they had a no-show, since that interview spot could have been given to someone who really wanted it. Under those lines of thinking, I wouldn't be that surprised if UofA took note of and denied no-shows of interviews in the future.

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It ended up being a last minute decision because i was trying my best to be there and it just became overwhelming at the end, so I didn't get to inform...really worried. If they autoban me from the interview i guess then it likely did have an impact. However, I wonder if I will have face an uphill battle after the interview because of this.

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Not to sound overly mean, but I'm almost certain that the UofA took note of it. Thousands of people apply to med school each year for the chance of an interview. You should have done whatever you could to notify them that you would not be attending the interview. If you have made no effort to contact them since failing to show (ie, calling to apologize, writing an email, or otherwise giving reason and saying sorry for not showing) that is even worse.


Professionalism is something we talk about all the time in med school. Docs and adcoms take it pretty seriously.



Dr. Ian Walker from Calgary made note of a no-show on the admissions blog


"Had one person no-show for their interview on Saturday. Perhaps he is truly incapacitated and was unable to let us know, or fell victim to some other unavoidable problem, but I cannot help but think about that next person on the list who would likely have been willing to move heaven and earth for that interview spot if given the chance."


I definitely think that they take this pretty seriously.

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It certainly is a big slap in the face to the admission process. Not the missing the interview because the person who "got your spot" (I'm using the powers of story telling to assume that had you interviewed that you would have received a spot at the school) is a great candidate,


but you basically stole an interview opportunity from someone else (who would equally be a deserving future physician) AND slapped the school in the face by telling them that they weren't worth your time to even call and cancel. It's a big professionalism no-no. By all means reapply because there is no harm in it, but I wouldn't be shocked if it factors into an interview/admission offer based on a flagged file.

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It ended up being a last minute decision because i was trying my best to be there and it just became overwhelming at the end, so I didn't get to inform...really worried. If they autoban me from the interview i guess then it likely did have an impact. However, I wonder if I will have face an uphill battle after the interview because of this.


I don't get it. How can being at an interview be "a last minute decision"? Do you normally show up to the airport to buy an airplane ticket as a last minute thing?


There's honestly no excuse for such an unprofessional act and they undoubtedly took notice of it. The entire day is planned to the T.

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I wouldn't bother re-applying, and I don't care how overwhelmed you thought you were you could have called someone at some point and given someone else a chance for an interview. Probably the most selfish, unprofessional thing I have ever come across.


+1 10 char

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