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Which University For Undergrad to enter Dental School?

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So the thing is I'm a highschool student who is interested in studying dentistry, I am volunteering at a dentist office and I have been hearing LOTS of opinions about which university I should take my undergrad in, the opinions say:

1. Pick an easy university like YORK to get a high GPA

2. Pick the university that has the dental school you want because they pick their students first then other universities


and other opinions that did not seem right, So I am interested in studying dentistry at UofT, but I know that I need to determine my undergrad first


An update, I have been accepted to biology for life sciences at University of Toronto Mississauga, Biomedical Sciences at York, and Biomedical Science at Waterloo.

My top 2 are UTM and York, both offer different things that I want. I am really leaning towards UTM, however, is a high GPA attainable ? I will work hard if that is what it requires.


Help me please! and thank you all :)

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So the thing is I'm a highschool student who is interested in studying dentistry, I am volunteering at a dentist office and I have been hearing LOTS of opinions about which university I should take my undergrad in, the opinions say:

1. Pick an easy university like YORK to get a high GPA

2. Pick the university that has the dental school you want because they pick their students first then other universities


and other opinions that did not seem right, So I am interested in studying dentistry at UofT, but I know that I need to determine my undergrad first


Help me please! and thank you all :)


Piece of advice: go to the website of the dental school you are interested and read and understand their academic requirements


Fact: there is no such thing as an easy university... sorry life isn't just that easy

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So the thing is I'm a highschool student who is interested in studying dentistry, I am volunteering at a dentist office and I have been hearing LOTS of opinions about which university I should take my undergrad in, the opinions say:

1. Pick an easy university like YORK to get a high GPA

2. Pick the university that has the dental school you want because they pick their students first then other universities


and other opinions that did not seem right, So I am interested in studying dentistry at UofT, but I know that I need to determine my undergrad first


Help me please! and thank you all :)


Your choice of university will have very little or close to no affect towards your desired professional school. You should pick an undergrad program and school that best fits you, and that you think you will enjoy being in.

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So the thing is I'm a highschool student who is interested in studying dentistry, I am volunteering at a dentist office and I have been hearing LOTS of opinions about which university I should take my undergrad in, the opinions say:

1. Pick an easy university like YORK to get a high GPA

2. Pick the university that has the dental school you want because they pick their students first then other universities


and other opinions that did not seem right, So I am interested in studying dentistry at UofT, but I know that I need to determine my undergrad first


Help me please! and thank you all :)



The only opinions that are worth considering are the ones given to you by premed101 members. The opinions you listed are from people who have no clue about dentistry or university in general.

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So the thing is I'm a highschool student who is interested in studying dentistry, I am volunteering at a dentist office and I have been hearing LOTS of opinions about which university I should take my undergrad in, the opinions say:

1. Pick an easy university like YORK to get a high GPA

2. Pick the university that has the dental school you want because they pick their students first then other universities


and other opinions that did not seem right, So I am interested in studying dentistry at UofT, but I know that I need to determine my undergrad first


Help me please! and thank you all :)


hey, what ever you do, avoid uoft and any of its campuses. too much unwanted competition with little room for personal interaction with profs especially at the downtown campus. i'd recommend picking a smaller/no-name university and do the best you can to achieve close to 4.00 gpa. work your ass off during undergrad, and you will be rewarded to a higher degree at the no-name university.

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1. Pick an easy university like YORK to get a high GPA


Not a bad idea. Generally, the lesser the reputation of the school, the lower the competition for grades among the students.


2. Pick the university that has the dental school you want because they pick their students first then other universities


Not true - at least in my experience. In other words, the school that you go to does not matter as long as you can get high grades and complete the pre-reqs.

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So the thing is I'm a highschool student who is interested in studying dentistry, I am volunteering at a dentist office and I have been hearing LOTS of opinions about which university I should take my undergrad in, the opinions say:

1. Pick an easy university like YORK to get a high GPA

2. Pick the university that has the dental school you want because they pick their students first then other universities


and other opinions that did not seem right, So I am interested in studying dentistry at UofT, but I know that I need to determine my undergrad first


Help me please! and thank you all :)

No school will be 'easy' necessarily, but some schools and programs have a reputation for being easier. My recommendation would be to go to a school where you know you'll get better grades because dental schools don't place preference on program or school (although their stats usually reflect otherwise). As for going to a school with a dental school (I'm assuming you're from Ontario) your choices are UofT (which you should avoid for undergrad to ensure our marks don't suffer; you won't necessarily do poorly, but your likelihood of success is lower) and Western. I did my undergrad at Western and found MedSci to be an easy program as well as having the advantage of a dental faculty to find support. It was easy to network and get advice from dental students first hand.

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Go to a small school if possible. Typically the interaction with professors is better and you can build a relationship wit them to get better grades (that is of course if you're like me and aren't smart enough to get solid grades in a big school). Dental schools mostly just take students from their province, the undergrad school attended doesn't matter as much in my opinion). Also take a program that you think you can get better grades in i.e if you're super good at physics, do a physics degree and take the dental pre reqs, that will give you the best chance of having a high gpa

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