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Anybody writing in September?


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Hey guys


Those of you writing in September, how many practice exams have you guys written (or plan to do by your test date)? any thoughts on which ones might be more representative of the actual mcat? I've only done AAMC3 and AAM6 so far and biology used to be my best section and now I can't get higher than a 10 :-(

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You will find that the later FL bio sections are much more representative of the real MCAT, so before worrying too much try one of 8/9/10/11 and see where you stand. BTW a 10 is not bad at all, in fact it is quite a good score.



The earlier FL's focus too much on regurgitating random facts, where in fact the real MCAT bio is all experimental based passages where you have to read and derive information from to answer the questions properly.


Remember the MCAT is not like most tests, if you feel you are strong in biology I don't doubt you, but you have to adopt the MCAT way of thinking. The AAMC's will give you all the information you need to answer the question, you just need to find the answer.


Try practicing using the TPRH bio passages, it is by far the best representation of what you will see on test day. Use EK to hammer down what you need to know fact wise for the test. If you do not have TPRH bio, use whatever material that you have but shift most of your bio study in to reviewing your FL's and your thought process during each question.


Lastly, target your weaknesses. Is it organic that you seem to have trouble on? Is it content based questions? Or is it simply a question based off information in the passage? Is it a timing issue?


These are only things you can answer, find your weakness and turn it in to your strength. You will see score improvements, keep at it!

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Writing Sept 1 D:


For the MCAT bio sections, it is important to know all the details about physiology/cell bio/anatomy? The review books delve into that a lot, but I find that most (if not all) the information on AAMC is not testing you on memorizing facts. Right now I'm sitting at around 10-12 for Bio; should I bother reviewing for it? Or should I work on verbal... (which is around 7-9 :(( )

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Writing Sept 1 D:


For the MCAT bio sections, it is important to know all the details about physiology/cell bio/anatomy? The review books delve into that a lot, but I find that most (if not all) the information on AAMC is not testing you on memorizing facts. Right now I'm sitting at around 10-12 for Bio; should I bother reviewing for it? Or should I work on verbal... (which is around 7-9 :(( )


I'd work on VR. The details I didn't find too important...don't think I can say any more, though.

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Writing Sept 1 D:


For the MCAT bio sections, it is important to know all the details about physiology/cell bio/anatomy? The review books delve into that a lot, but I find that most (if not all) the information on AAMC is not testing you on memorizing facts. Right now I'm sitting at around 10-12 for Bio; should I bother reviewing for it? Or should I work on verbal... (which is around 7-9 :(( )


I agree, work on Verbal.

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Writing on September 7! Super nervous because my scores are barely where I want them to be :(


AAMC 10: 8/10/10 = 28 (very first test I wrote back in June)

AAMC 7: 10/10/10 = 30

AAMC 5: 10/11/10 = 31

AAMC 3: 12/10/10 = 32

AAMC 4: 10/11/11 = 32

AAMC 6: 10/10/10 = 30 --> Wrote this today. Ended each section early. PS and BS by 20 mins and VR by 8 mins because I wasn't feeling so great today. Thought this VR was easier than others so I am not too happy with that. PS was barely a 10 so now I am really worried. I thought I was finally improving at it :mad: Ideal score would be 10/11/10!


@Raiya: Definitely work on Verbal! 10-12 BS is so good.

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Writing on September 7! Super nervous because my scores are barely where I want them to be :(


AAMC 10: 8/10/10 = 28 (very first test I wrote back in June)

AAMC 7: 10/10/10 = 30

AAMC 5: 10/11/10 = 31

AAMC 3: 12/10/10 = 32

AAMC 4: 10/11/11 = 32

AAMC 6: 10/10/10 = 30 --> Wrote this today. Ended each section early. PS and BS by 20 mins and VR by 8 mins because I wasn't feeling so great today. Thought this VR was easier than others so I am not too happy with that. PS was barely a 10 so now I am really worried. I thought I was finally improving at it :mad: Ideal score would be 10/11/10!


@Raiya: Definitely work on Verbal! 10-12 BS is so good.


You're quite balanced, which is perfect. Keep up the excellent work in VR!

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