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What do you guys eat at university?


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I hate purchasing food at university, it too expensive and unhealthy, so I usually bring food from home. Some days in which I cant bring food I have no choice but to buy or starve until I get home. Is there something HEALTHY in which you guys buy and take to school that fills you up? I was looking at the noodles they sell at Walmart, but there sodium levels are so dam high.


Btw, I dont live on res, I comute, and seeing how this year I'm going to be spending a lot of time on campus any recommendations would be appreciated.

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Like when I was working, this year I'll be making my lunches the evening before. Since I'm going to be making lunch for two people (myself and my son) it's necessary to do it ahead of time to make sure I don't forget in the haze of morning.


A favourite of mine is a whole wheat wrap with some smoked turkey, a bit of cheese (Havarti being my favourite, I use a very thin slice), some lettuce and honey mustard. Wraps are just really easy to put together and provide a lot of options; chicken salad, ham, falafel, roast beef, pulled pork, bruschetta and prosciutto, etc. I use fairly lean meats usually, don't put on mayo or butter, and fill a lot of it with veggies.


I always include veggies as a side since I love munching on them. Another side might be a yogurt cup or some cheese cubes. Easy to balance out a nice meal. I don't drink anything but water with lunch.


Making healthy, balanced lunches when I worked (and prepared them for my son to take to his sitter) took me all of 15 minutes in the evening. Stick it in the fridge overnight, and you're good to go in the morning.


If you're looking more like snack foods you can keep around for the day without cooling, pack up some dry oatmeal, cinnamon, and a little bit of brown sugar in a microwaveable container. When you're hungry, add boiling water (should be able to get it somewhere on campus) and you've got a decent snack that'll keep you full for a while. Or some crackers or cereal to much on. Lots of options! :)

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Microwaves on campus gross me out, so I have a few go-to meals. I don't know if you'd consider them healthy, though.. it would depend on your definition of healthy.


My typicals:

- almond butter or peanut butter sandwich, either on pita or bagel (my favourite food + no refrigeration required = win)

- cheese slice on bread

- pita with one of those individual serving things of hummus (the roasted red pepper kind is my fave)

- veggie chili, which is surprisingly delicious cold


I often bring a granola bar as well, if the meal doesn't have enough carbs (e.g. if I use pita instead of a bagel)


Here are some more ideas that I don't go for, but other people may.


If you aren't afraid of microwaves used by God-knows-who:

- leftovers

- HEALTHY packaged foods. Personally, I like Indian ones. The ingredients are often very healthy, and they are usually pretty cheap. I can buy them on campus for like $2-$3


If you, unlike me, consider salad to be a meal and not just an appetizer/side dish:

- salad :P


If you are a raging carnivore:

- meat (:P again)

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Microwaves on campus gross me out, so I have a few go-to meals. I don't know if you'd consider them healthy, though.. it would depend on your definition of healthy.


My typicals:

- almond butter or peanut butter sandwich, either on pita or bagel (my favourite food + no refrigeration required = win)

- cheese slice on bread

- pita with one of those individual serving things of hummus (the roasted red pepper kind is my fave)

- veggie chili, which is surprisingly delicious cold


I often bring a granola bar as well, if the meal doesn't have enough carbs (e.g. if I use pita instead of a bagel)


Here are some more ideas that I don't go for, but other people may.


If you aren't afraid of microwaves used by God-knows-who:

- leftovers

- HEALTHY packaged foods. Personally, I like Indian ones. The ingredients are often very healthy, and they are usually pretty cheap. I can buy them on campus for like $2-$3



Spread some Nutella on top and you got yourself an ultimate winner ;)


Buying food on campus is a waste of money IMO. Instead of spending ~$50/week (assuming ~$10/day), go to Walmart or Nofrils and shop whatever you want. You get more food and the food is also healthier.


I've also seen these meal plans on campus but never looked into it. I would assume it's still more expensive than buying groceries and bringing your own food. You're better off with home-made food.

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I totally agree, university campus food is ridiculously over-priced and unhealthy. I always bring a lunch from home, usually they are leftovers, pasta, or sandwiches lol. Take lots of fruits to snack on.


A good lunch idea is a chick pea salad. Just throw together some chick peas, green onions/veggies of your choice, and some spices and you're good to go :)


But yeah I need some new lunch ideas as well!

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  • 4 months later...

i usually eat whatever they have..

my university dosen't have a cafeteria but bascially we eat outside

my university mostly almost everyday serves pizza and cheeseburger


today i ate terayki chicken with rice and white milk

i usually eat when i walk around..


PS: we also have 3 places to buy lunch too so everyday they serve corndogs,cold sandwhiches,and more

i bought baked hot cheetos today :)

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I remember talking to a fitness trainer who said to pre-cook a bunch of meals in bulk and then freeze them. For his purpose, it was so he could eat multiple times a day without having to cook every meal after a workout. I think the same principle can be applied when you go to school. It's healthy an inexpensive. Certainly what I plan to do if I ever get accepted into medical student.

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I remember talking to a fitness trainer who said to pre-cook a bunch of meals in bulk and then freeze them. For his purpose, it was so he could eat multiple times a day without having to cook every meal after a workout. I think the same principle can be applied when you go to school. It's healthy an inexpensive. Certainly what I plan to do if I ever get accepted into medical student.


How we you prevented from doing that now in undergrad?

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I hate purchasing food at university, it too expensive and unhealthy, so I usually bring food from home. Some days in which I cant bring food I have no choice but to buy or starve until I get home. Is there something HEALTHY in which you guys buy and take to school that fills you up? I was looking at the noodles they sell at Walmart, but there sodium levels are so dam high.


Btw, I dont live on res, I comute, and seeing how this year I'm going to be spending a lot of time on campus any recommendations would be appreciated.

I rarely eat lunch during the semester (I just have a big breakfast and bring a banana, mandarin orange or granola bar to snack on w/ a water bottle of course). However on those days when I have a midterm at night and I'm forced to eat on campus, a healthy option I found was buying soups. There's a soup place on campus that I go to, or you can go to Tim Hortons and get the chicken noodle or minestrone. It's only a couple of bucks, so it's not that expensive either. So that's an option!

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