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Better to take courses in the morning, afternoon or evening?


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I personally don't have a choice, all my classes are in the morning. Since I don't have child care past 5:30, I have to be gone by that time. So, morning classes and afternoon labs for me.


If I had the choice, I'd still do it this way as I absorb information better first thing in the morning.

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I usually enjoy morning classes as well, or ones that run early and end early afternoon - that way I can get things done in the evening. However I didn't luck out this year...I have to go to class for 8am and then I have a stupid evening class from 7-10pm so I have to take a nap in the afternoon... lol

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depends if you're a morning person or not..Personally I've never been a morning person and usually fall asleep anyway..but studies have shown that we learn better in the morning...so..either adjust your sleep and learning schedule or go with whichever time you'd prefer to learn.

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