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Best of 2 Years GPA?

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Call me crazy, but during my Undergrad at U of C, I could have sworn that U of C Medical admissions were the best of two years. Looking at their admissions booklet... I clearly am wrong.


Are there any schools in Canada that use best-of-2-years? I'm hoping to find a school that will use 1 of my undergrad years, and then my graduate degree counted as one year. (wishful hoping, I know).

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UofC changed their policy.


Queens uses last 2 years. UofC will drop your worst year, and GPA doesn't count for all that much anyways, only 20%. I think Ottawa only looks at last 3- not sure about grad years. Dal is last 2? Sask may be worth looking into if you are IP there. Western- can someone chime in? I think they are last 2/best 2.

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UofC changed their policy.


Queens uses last 2 years. UofC will drop your worst year, and GPA doesn't count for all that much anyways, only 20%. I think Ottawa only looks at last 3- not sure about grad years. Dal is last 2? Sask may be worth looking into if you are IP there. Western- can someone chime in? I think they are last 2/best 2.


western - best two 5.0 credit or higher years with at least 3.0 credits at the corresponding course year or higher. Minimum GPA last year was 3.70+ for BOTH years.


ha - that is getting more compact all the time.


Ottawa doesn't consider grad years

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western - best two 5.0 credit or higher years with at least 3.0 credits at the corresponding course year or higher. Minimum GPA last year was 3.70+ for BOTH years.


ha - that is getting more compact all the time.


Ottawa doesn't consider grad years


Is Calgary min of 3.6 min for oop? I started undergrad in 2001, does that mean they won't look at my first year? And they drop 1 more yrar after that? Do I have to retake my prereqs if that year doesn't count toward my gpa? Sorry really confused.

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