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Case Report Help

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Hey guys :)


So, I am working on a case report right now and am a total noob at it. I am reviewing the literature using primarily PMC and MEDLine (have also used google scholar to see if any other articles pop up) to see if there are existing case reports on similar patients/procedures. I have not found anything similar after several hours of searching, but when writing the discussion section is that enough to state that "there have been no other reports of X and procedure Y in Z patient population"? To me it seems bold to make such a statement, but I really don't think that there is anything out there, or at least, if there is a similar disease presentation I haven't found anyone who has measured the certain parameter that the surgeon I am working with believes is remarkable.


How do I ensure that I have done a thorough lit review? Are there certain search techniques that you recommend?


Thanks people,



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You're using MeSH headings and everything in PubMed? Not much more to do really - no need to make declarations that no other reports exist, since in the discussion you are making the case for why this situation is unique or interesting, now completely novel or previously unknown.

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I usually say "To the best of our knowledge, no other cases of ... have been reported in the literature," or you could describe how your search did not return anything.


Not all journals are indexed in pubmed/medline. I suggest contacting your local health sciences library - their librarians are available for consultations on search strategies, and often offer classes on searching.

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Thanks guys, I appreciate the tips.

I can see how it may be beneficial to include search techniques in showing readers that I have done a thorough lit review. However, the journal that I will be submitting this case report to has very strict word counts and I don't believe I will have room to include a section describing search methods.


I forgot about librarians, good idea! I may meet with a librarian before submitting the article to ensure that I have employed adequate search techniques.

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