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Questions about ABS-please help!

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Hello all, I have some questions about ABS and things I'm including in the ABS. I have compiled them together. So if I could get these clarified, I would really appreciate it.


1) When OMSAS says that the descriptions of ABS entries have to be 150 characters max., does this include spaces as well?


2) How would you describe awards/scholarships in 150 characters? Could someone give me an example please?


3) For those who are listing Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Schol., who are you guys putting in as the verifier?


4) Also, I'm sure everyone here received the Ontario Scholar Award upon graduating from high school. Would you suggest putting this in the ABS? And who would you put as the verifier?


5) Would you suggest putting in Entrance Scholarships as an entry? Especially one that is worth a lot?


6) For high school subject awards, would you suggest putting all the ones for one grade together (ex. putting say Gr. 12 English, French, Chemistry, awards as one single entry)? Or is it acceptable/suggested to list Gr. 12 English, Gr. 12 French, etc. as individual entries?


7) I have been a member and a leader in some student clubs at university (like leadership/mentoring type clubs and science students society). Should these go under the 'Extra-curricular' or the 'Other' category?


8) Should conferences, publications, or publications currently in the works go under 'Research'? It seems like the best place in my opinion but I just want to make sure with you guys.

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1) yes

2) awarded for exceptional academic achievement and involvement in the scientific community at UofT

3) Anyone that knows about it

4) I didn't put mine up. Didn't think it was necessary. Like you said, everyone received one. Instead, put up gr12 subject awards or sport medals you received (track, soccer, etc...)

5) Sure why not? I would.

6) Together

7) it's all preference. I placed mine under extra-C

8) Conferences? Unless you presented your poster, then no point in putting your attendance to a conference as Research. I placed my poster presentation, paper submissions, and research experience in Research myself.


In all honesty, it's all about perception and what you think is the best way of filling out the application. Too much fluff can hurt you and the same goes with a minimalistic approach. At first I had my honour rolls separate, then combined them together as it was redundant and the same message is being delivered, but more concentrated now.


Hope this helps.

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1) yes

2) awarded for exceptional academic achievement and involvement in the scientific community at UofT

3) Anyone that knows about it

4) I didn't put mine up. Didn't think it was necessary. Like you said, everyone received one. Instead, put up gr12 subject awards or sport medals you received (track, soccer, etc...)

5) Sure why not? I would.

6) Together

7) it's all preference. I placed mine under extra-C

8) Conferences? Unless you presented your poster, then no point in putting your attendance to a conference as Research. I placed my poster presentation, paper submissions, and research experience in Research myself.


In all honesty, it's all about perception and what you think is the best way of filling out the application. Too much fluff can hurt you and the same goes with a minimalistic approach. At first I had my honour rolls separate, then combined them together as it was redundant and the same message is being delivered, but more concentrated now.


Hope this helps.


This; OMSAS isn't going to disqualify anyone because they organized their sketch a little differently from others. There are only a few very vague guidelines they provided (e.g. no research course entries in 'research' tab) so long as you follow those, just go with what you feel works.

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This; OMSAS isn't going to disqualify anyone because they organized their sketch a little differently from others. There are only a few very vague guidelines they provided (e.g. no research course entries in 'research' tab) so long as you follow those, just go with what you feel works.


Where do you see that guideline about research? I went through the entire OMSAS application booklet and don't remember seeing that.

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