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What is your favorite Quebec med school?

Guest noncestvrai

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Guest cutieyellow

Here's my opinion: Universite Laval. It's not biased at all. lol.


Here are my reasons:

1) It's the only school that accepted me.

lol...i'm kidding.


Honestly though, i like Laval for their program. It's different types of learning for all the different type of people. We have lectures (185 people), big group classes (30 people), medium groups (15 people) and problem based learning groups (6 people). That way, it accomodates everyone and can therefore satisfy a greater number of students. I know personally that i wouldn't be very happy in a completely lecture-based environment, but even less in a PBL only place. I have friends in med at Mtl and they are constantly the nose in the books, trying to figure out their case studies. I have friends at Sherbrooke, who say they are tired of little groups and want to be in bigger ones. And i have friends at McGill who are just numbers...(ehh, what else is new).


But i mean, depends on the individual right...if you're happy in PBLs, you'd feel right at home at UdeM or USherbrooke. If you wanna remain anonymous, then you'd be perfect for McGill. I just like that Laval gives us somewhat of a view of all worlds.



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Guest medicator007



I am curious to know that you referring to about McGill Medicine when you make the following statements?


And i have friends at McGill who are just numbers...(ehh, what else is new).


If you wanna remain anonymous, then you'd be perfect for McGill.


Our class size is the same as yours in the first year when we are with the Dentists, and drops by 30 after we split up. We also have "Medium Groups" and small 6 person groups, featuring PBL and other approaches to learning. I know every single person in my class and quite a good deal about each and every one of them. Our teachers also take the time to get to know us, with some profs even knowing each and every one of us by full name on the first day of class by studying the class composite.


I know you are just reporting what your friends told you about the curriculum, and if that is how they feel, then I am really sorry for them, because from my experience McGill Medicine like all other medical schools in this country is a great familial like community.


As you say, each medical school differs in terms of the approach they take to education and some are better suited for different people than others. It is up to each and every applicant to make the decision as to which is best for them.



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Guest cutieyellow



By no means was i trying to diss McGill Med, in fact, had my MCATs not been so borderline, i would have applied and definitely would have stayed in Montreal. You're right, i am just reporting what a few friends of mine have said about the program. I guess the class composite of your year is a lot better than the one my friends are in (they are in med 1). Some do feel quite anonymous, and they really really dislike the atmosphere. I can't really judge other schools on my own, seeing how i'm not from there. I can only report what i've heard from various friends who are spread out across the medical schools.


I apologize if my previous comment striked a nerve. I really didn't mean it in a bad way. My brother's currently at McGill and he's constantly whining about how horribly big classes are and how he despises it - hence the anonymity of it. I also think that like you said, each school is different in a certain way, but in the end, we all come out as physicians, whether we enjoyed our experiences or not. Hopefully, everyone will have had a good time when they looked back. Once again, sorry if it came out wrong :o




PS. I am greatly impressed that you say you know your whole class! Depending on my classes, we're sometimes mixed in with the second years - cause Laval lets you do your program either in 4 or 5 yrs (no premed mandatory), therefore, there's a lot of people to know :) I probably know everyone by face...by names however, you're the champ! :P

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Guest medicator007



I didn't think you were trying to diss McGill, its just as a student there, anytime I hear people saying less than stellar things about my school I tend to get my back up. In this case it was more out of curiosity really, because I find that my class is about as non-anonymous as they come. As you said however, my class very well may be different from the first years that you spoke to, and everyone is apt to have a different perspective on things.


As for knowing everyone in my class by name, yeah well... when im trying to kill time at work i've been known to peruse the class composite myself :rolleyes




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