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Technical Difficulties in CASPer

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I just wrote CASPer and after I finished my second last set of questions, CASPer timed out. I logged back in and my answers were gone, and it moved onto the next module. I called the HelpDesk and they made a note of it for admissions - Does anyone know how this will affect my application? :confused::(


no it will not affect your evaluation or chances.

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It's listed as 525-9104 when it SHOULD be 525-9140.


I had the same problem today. One of the videos stalled after playing for 5-10 minutes before going to the questions. I waited and waited and tried calling the (incorrect) helpdesk number on the sheet several times, only to get a "this number is not in service" message. I ended up having to click on "Help Desk" at the top in the middle of my test.


So I freaked out and finally clicked on "Start casper test" again (since instructions say if you log out to just log back in) - and it jumped sections. I ended up going from the end of the video on Section 8, to the questions on Section 9 (I didn't even get to watch the video for 9, or see the questions for Section 8). I answered the questions without the video as best as I could anyway.


How can McMaster score everyone fairly in these cases? Will they just ignore the one section I didn't get a chance to write and weigh the other sections more heavily? What about the one where I didn't see the video and answered the questions anyways? How will they score those compared to someone else? So ticked off right now :(

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So did you call them? I think you should make sure they know.


For me the last section didn't submit ("page cannot be displayed") and I called them and she said it happens, don't worry, won't affect your score. But seriously, how would it not affect my score? It was one of my good sections.


Has any applicant from previous years been accepted with missing sections due to technical difficulties?

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Yes, I called after I finally got a hold of the right phone number (while the counter was counting down for the questions where I didn't even watch the video), and the woman was very non-chalant about it and said that they logged it. But I was freaking out and mentally it screwed me up for the sections after that.


Obviously they can't penalize people for having technical difficulties. But the only way they can really do that is to weigh the other sections more heavily from the ones I was able to answer, or if they drop a few sections from everybody.

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Yes, I called after I finally got a hold of the right phone number (while the counter was counting down for the questions where I didn't even watch the video), and the woman was very non-chalant about it and said that they logged it. But I was freaking out and mentally it screwed me up for the sections after that.


Obviously they can't penalize people for having technical difficulties. But the only way they can really do that is to weigh the other sections more heavily from the ones I was able to answer, or if they drop a few sections from everybody.


True. I think they do drop the lowest section from everybody.

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They tell you it doesn't, but I had tech difficulties last year and I'm pretty sure that's why I didn't get an interview.


That's weird. I had difficulties last year and I called them as well. The lady at the help desk was really nice. I think what happens is that they take your top scores, say 10/12 questions and then average those to get your score. If you missed one due to technical difficulties, they will just not count that one.


Just don't freak out. It's a personality test. If they like you, they like you

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I had the same issue - from video 1! so I was flustered from the start. Way to go Mac for printing the wrong phone number. I gave up calling Helpdesk and continued with the test without seeing several videos. My videos were lagging so much that I had time to get my phone and timed the lags...

I called during break, and the lady was really nice in logging it. That's all we can do now...back to waiting.


Other than the tech issues, I thought it was kind fun - there were some good scenarios. definitely needed to think on my feet.

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That's weird. I had difficulties last year and I called them as well. The lady at the help desk was really nice. I think what happens is that they take your top scores, say 10/12 questions and then average those to get your score. If you missed one due to technical difficulties, they will just not count that one.


Just don't freak out. It's a personality test. If they like you, they like you


Well, actually due to internet problems I ended up missing about 5 sections. They told me it was still okay, and they had enough information. But really? With missing those many sections? I doubt it.

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Had the exact same problem as Dr Scully today, missed some questions entirely and some videos due to technical problems, sooooo frustrating after working so hard to get gpa and mcat verbal up to hopefully a decent position. Hope the missed sections won't ruin the interview chances. :(

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Well, actually due to internet problems I ended up missing about 5 sections. They told me it was still okay, and they had enough information. But really? With missing those many sections? I doubt it.


Woah that's a lot. I myself missed one. Best of luck!


Can anybody verify this?


I could swear to you yesterday that I read that on the CASPer description. I also had read older threads in this forum that said that. I double checked the CASPer description and it doesn't mention it. Apologies. Although frankly it wouldn't be a far-fetched thing to do.

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Mt timer was not visible and I was automatically taken back to the main menu multiple times during the test. The person at the help desk said that McMaster will "take the difficulties into consideration."


The same thing happened to me for all videos. And I also lost all my answers (answer section wiped blank) to the first 3 videos right before the screen jumped to the next video. :confused:


** EDIT **

I received an email from Wendy offering the option of rewriting - time stamped for 12:08 PM (Friday, Oct 26)

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Rest assured folks, if you have any technical difficulties at all during the test or if technical difficulties are even remotely suspected (i.e. blank sections), you won't be penalized.

wouldn't this mean...technically...someone could leave a whole section blank intentionally if they find that section too difficult.....and dun get penalized at all since it could be interpreted as a technical difficulty (or intentionally reported it as such).....loophole much?

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wouldn't this mean...technically...someone could leave a whole section blank intentionally if they find that section too difficult.....and dun get penalized at all since it could be interpreted as a technical difficulty (or intentionally reported it as such).....loophole much?


yeah, this crossed my mind actually. A friend of mine had this issue and called me since he couldn't get a hold of McMaster. I had to 3 way the call to connect them.

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