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Toronto interview

Guest mmir

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Hey guys....i am kind of new here...and i have my interview at U of T on the 29th (7days:( ...and i would appreciate any sort of feedback...i have heard that the interview is situation style ( to moniter past behavior)...but whats the best way to answer these questions? and what type of person are they looking for? like i said, ANY advice/tips would be awesome:) thanks


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Guest bcdentalgirl


I interviewed at UBC but I think there's some of the same kinds of questions. I think the main thing is be yourself and answer the questions thoughtfully.


I have been told that the purpose of the interview is to a) meet you and simply see what you're like, B) see how you operate (ie. what are your coping and problem solving strategies), c) how proactive you are (are you aware of your shortcomings, what steps do you take to overcome them). I can't speak for the adcoms, but "what they are looking for" is pretty intuitive: people who can handle the program, can work alone and in groups, can handle pressure, are adept at dealing with other people, are realistic and mature, etc, etc.


If I could offer ONE single piece of advice, it would be to prepare original questions you would like to ask your interviewers. If you feel like the actual interview isn't going well, it's your chance to shine on your own terms - you can now get them into a conversation where you show how dynamic, effervescent and brilliant you are!


Good luck!

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Hey all,

about the U of T interview: It wasn't what I expected at all. I was expecting typical questions such as "why do you want to be a dentist?"; but there were actually NONE of those.


It was actually all questions based on your past experiences.... I'll give an example:

"Have you ever had a time where somebody in a position of authority told you to do something inappropriate? What did you do? How did you feel?"


It was quite the scary interview, let me tell you!! heh. Anyway, hope this helps some peopel out there -- we're all in this together!



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Guest Plug Dis

Hey Y'all

Lets hear what everyone thought. I myself felt a little more prepared this year because of my past experience at UofT but it was still hard to assess what answers they were looking for. Did anyone have any questions that they weren't expecting at all....post them and maybe we'll discuss them. I hope everyone did well. Take it easy.


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Guest Francesco1001

For me, the UofT interview was my first professional school interview. I gotta say, I went in not with prepared answers, but with the intention of being totally honest with whatever came to mind. God only knows if my answers contained what they were looking for, I guess time will tell :)


My interviewers seemed really nice and smiled and laughed while I was explaining some personal situations (some embarrassing) that came to mind. I was pretty nervous at first, but after the first question and the atmosphere I felt a lot more relaxed.


Unfortunately, there were no openings to ask questions of my own, and one of the members in my tour group after the interview said the interviewers were told not to answer questions themselves, which I found kind of strange.



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Guest DaveOnNitros



I just had my UT interview on Sunday and now starts the waiting period. Fortunately, I felt comfortable throughout the interview as the interviewers did everything possible to make me feel at home. As Fransceco said, they often smiled and nodded their head in approval. The dental students who took us on a tour were also great~....I actually knew one of them so it was a good experience for me overall.

I was puzzled by the fact that the interviewers were not part of the admission comittee. So I was not able to ask them any questions either. But for the interview questions, they were mostly situational type of questions and I just tried to answer them by referring back to my past experiences.

Anyways, did everyone get to see that student lounge~?!? If I am admitted, I think I'll be spending most of my time by the pool table and sleeping on the Italian leather couches. I also look forward to being part of the dentatics~! hehe~ The Wizard of Flozz~can;t wait! well, I hope to see you all in class in September and I wish you all good luck!! see ya!!

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So for those of you who were at the U of T interview,


were most, if not all, of the questions situational-type questions?....Like, "What would you do IF...."


I just wanted to know cuz I've heard Western interview is similar...


Any questions you can remember off the top of your head would be well appreciated as well...


thanks guys and good luck

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c'mon ppl... no one who attended the Toronto interview remembers any questions they were asked?:eek


i know were up against one another, but we're also in it together...


so help the little people would ya...?:\

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Guest Plug Dis


All the interview questions were very similar for everyone else....some situations....some give a situation in your life.....I don't think anyone heard why dentistry or how have you prepared for a career but I may be wrong.


give a situation where

you solved a conflict

you knew someone was telling a lie

you were being treated unfairly by someone in authority

you had to break a promise

if you were given a lot of negative comments on a paper how would you react

if because of procrastination you couldn't get either of 2 assignments done, what would you do?

And one else which I can't seem to remember exactly...something like where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Thats all I can remember.

Good luck.....now answer my stats thread.


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