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difficult situation here


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So I left my research group because I wanted a publication and now I am going to apply for a summer student grant with a new research group who are willing to let me aim for a publication. But the application for this grant needs a reference letter and the referee's comments on experience in research is important. So I was thinking of asking my ex-principal investigator for a reference and I'm not sure he'd be too happy about it since I'm leaving his lab after all. How should I go about this?:eek:

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You can ask him straight up if he would give you a *strong* LoR. If he seems a bit hesitant, or looks at you with an exasperated face like "Really?" - then ask someone else to write the letter.


How about ex-high school teachers you did a science fair project with (if you are still in first year...)? Or a postdoc that supervised you in the previous lab (this would probably be the best, although they might have hard feeling too about you leaving the lab because you want a publication)? Or even a lab TA if you can't think of anyone else...


That seems a bit silly though to leave a lab just because they won't hand you a publication.

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So I left my research group because I wanted a publication and now I am going to apply for a summer student grant with a new research group who are willing to let me aim for a publication. But the application for this grant needs a reference letter and the referee's comments on experience in research is important. So I was thinking of asking my ex-principal investigator for a reference and I'm not sure he'd be too happy about it since I'm leaving his lab after all. How should I go about this?:eek:


were there publication prospects in your last research group? Seems like leaving a research group is something to do if you don't want a publication

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