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Post-interview scoring

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Just wanted to say that it was nice meeting some of you today. It's going to be tough for them to select 155 out of such an awesome group of people! U of C has the most personality out of all the schools I have had interactions with this far, and it would be a great place to learn medicine! Good luck everybody!

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Yeah, I can totally relate. My interview was a week ago, and I STILL keep going over all the scenarios and finding other things I could have said and realizing what I shouldn't have said. The worst is when I realize that I may have slightly misunderstood the scenario or missed some key hint or piece of information.

I almost feel depressed. The MMI was such a high, so much adrenaline ... several hours after it, though, I was feeling awful.


I think that's pretty much how I'm going to feel for the next while. I missed the point of a couple of stations for sure but I'm consoling myself with "there's always next year!"

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I think that's pretty much how I'm going to feel for the next while. I missed the point of a couple of stations for sure but I'm consoling myself with "there's always next year!"


Well, you don't have to be perfect. You just have to be better than the last person in :P . I would expect many premeds to have done well, but I would expect the vast majority to have erred a little bit here or there. Everybody has their one or two bad stations, and so I don't think it means you didn't do well overall. You never know until the results come out!

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It does....


They do that so you cannot communicate this with your friends that will come in for a later session. Even the assessors are different for each day. Yes, it is a lot of work but it is the only way to be fair at such a high stake interview.


btw, the quality of the interviewees are very good, they will be excellent future doctors.:D

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There are many interesting research papers published by Mac and U of C on their MMI programs. One U of C paper (I think 2007) indicated that they did not find any differences in scoring between days or even within the same day (in case you were worried that the assessors were half asleep by the third group of the day). :D


After reading through the papers my stress before the exam decreased quite a bit. I feel pretty confidant that their MMI scoring is reliable, so it all comes down to how we performed on the day.


I just wish we could debrief openly on Premed 101. I would love to discuss some of the questions now that the interviews are finished. Alas we can't!

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Make sure you are not locked into a room with Klingon Worf, and perform the death ritual.


The Ritual involved opening and staring into the eyes of the dying individual, then bellowing loudly at the sky. The latter served as a warning to the dead "Beware, a Klingon warrior is about to arrive".


It makes my day....

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Post-interview syndrome is pretty rough. I'm keeping very, very busy with 2 major projects, but unfortunately I think the worst part of the MMI is that it's now totally out of our control. Ugh- unfortunately for me the 2 projects I"m working on are also totally out of my control. They're both really cool too. Sigh. Best to just keep busy and the time will fly by.


UofC is one of the best in Canada (possibly the best) at making sure the intended weighting is that ACTUAL weighting, so I'm sure it's pretty well-standardized if it doesn't naturally work out that way.


Pure educated guessing, but I believe from what they said during the pre-mmi talk they use different questions on each day.


I think everyone cringes about something or other that they said or did during the interview. I can't believe something (one thing) I personally said but I have debriefed with some other interviewees and I feel better now. If you're feeling bad, remember how the music video went "told the interviewer I was high..."

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I realized I didn't knock on the doors...whoops.



hmm I didn't either. But with the loud announcement happening right behind me it seemed to defeat the purpose. Come to think of it, I don't recall hearing anyone else around me knock either...


Anyone else find it amusing that you couldn't take your water into the room. I had this mortal fear of forgetting my water and then accidently picking up someone else's. I suppose there are worse things to stress about during an MMI!

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Anyone else find it amusing that you couldn't take your water into the room. I had this mortal fear of forgetting my water and then accidently picking up someone else's. I suppose there are worse things to stress about during an MMI!


You couldn't take your water in?

Damn, I broke that rule. No one mentioned anything to me about it though.

Oh well.

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I didn't knock either. Seems like about half the people in my group did, half didn't. I don't recall anyone telling me on the day of the interview that I needed to knock before entering, but I'm not sure it served much purpose anyway.. Everyone who knocked just walked in immediately afterwards, so it couldn't have made much of a difference haha.


Don't fret guys! Nothing to do but wait now. :)

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Whether you knock or don't knock, bring in water bottle or not or do other stuff are no concern to them, unless out of characters or something stupid.


At the end of the day, how you answer your question is the KEY. Remember there is no correct or incorrect answer; there is better or not so good answer.. Go figure...


Just relax and enjoy the day. Life is Simple. :D

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You couldn't take your water in?

Damn, I broke that rule. No one mentioned anything to me about it though.

Oh well.


Perhaps they were worried that my group would drown ourselves with our water in an act of desperation.


Well at the very least I got some good stretching in after each station. :D

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