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What's On Your Mind?

Robin Hood

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Sorry to hear NutritionRunner, but who knows with the waitlist right? You have the right attitude about plan B :) and its great you have direction. Do you think you'll try again next cycle if you aren't accepted off the waitlist?


I'm really not sure at this point. I'm fairly "old," even for a non-trad (although I know there are people older than myself who have started medical school) and I'm not sure how long I want to put off starting my second career. I'll discuss things with my husband and we'll decide together.


It also depends on whether or not I manage to secure a dietetic internship. They are becoming increasingly competitive as well, with only 30% of Ontario dietetic program graduates managing to secure an internship. So the odds aren't great, and you can only apply to three internship programs, so you have to be strategic.


While I have excellent grades and some terrific ECs, I don't have a lot of first-hand experience working with registered dietitians. It seems that a lot of the students who manage to secure an internship right out of undergrad have connections that allow them to gain direct experience with RDs - either their mother, aunt, uncle, cousin, or other relative is an RD, or a family member is a nurse or physician who manages to get them a job or volunteer position working with RDs in a hospital or community setting.


I do have a position this summer working as a nutrition volunteer, and some of that work will involve a bit of time with registered dietitians. So I'm hoping that will help my applications, and I hope to continue the position into the Fall (they interview for every semester for these volunteer positions, but hopefully I would be successful).

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You are remarkably calm, NR. I found out I got rejected about a week ago and I am still feeling sad on occaision.


As you are aware, the process is a marathon and for those with perseverance, the acceptance does come. You will be even a stronger candidate next cycle. :)

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Really surprised at some of the people who didn't make it in this year. It seems a lot of good candidates were rejected/waitlisted. Must feel awful :-/, and makes me a little nervous about applying next year.


There are a lot of "good candidates" rejected/waitlisted everywhere - the competition is steep. Don't let it scare you though. Let it push you to do your best, and just acknowledge that it is realistic to expect to apply a couple of times. Remember, although a lot of good candidates didn't make it this year, a lot did :)

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There are a lot of "good candidates" rejected/waitlisted everywhere - the competition is steep. Don't let it scare you though. Let it push you to do your best, and just acknowledge that it is realistic to expect to apply a couple of times. Remember, although a lot of good candidates didn't make it this year, a lot did :)


Oh for sure. I suppose more than making me worry it makes me wonder. There's a lot of people with solid grades/MCAT scores/ECs who feel like the interview went well who don't make it, and that makes me wonder about what exactly they're looking for.

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How old are the Ottawa Senators?



About 20 years old. They have 0 cups. Leafs are about 100 years old. They have 1 cups. That's an average of roughly a little more than 1 cup a decade. Ottawa should have 2-3 cups by now. If you factor in the fact that the leafs did it during original 6 times, you can maybe argue that it should be half the 13. However, the league is much more watered down now so that argument doesn't actually stand. Overall, you lose.

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Congratulations to all who got in today!!! Good Luck, especially to those who will be re-applying, there is one that I was really rooting for.


For those who did get in and happen to be thinking about stethoscopes..lol

Any help from med students, residents, or full fledged docs.

What is the best choice stethoscope for medical school?

Does it vary per school?

Memorial does not give you one but they do have some sort of presentation later on.

I would prefer to get one now...and maybe another later lol

Also any preferences on lab coats, i was told by MUN I will need 1 long and 1 short. Best quality brands/styles for a man?

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i'm still ticked about the injuries to patches, prust, gio, eller, and carey. that's a full line's worth of their best forwards! that was frustrating to watch. my boy marky is finally back to run the show and then that happens.


edit: and emelin.

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I like you now. Karlsson is playing like crap compared to earlier this season.


I loved the result last night but I almost felt bad for the Leafs fans.


No need to feel bad for us. Feel bad for yourself when Ottawa goes out in 4 against Pittsburg :)

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Ottawa has 11cups, just not under NHL jurisdiction.


Who's playing golf right now again? Who hasn't made the playoffs in 9years??


The difference between you and I: you take consolation in just making it to the playoffs whereas for me, if you aren't first then you may as well be last. There are no points for second place and true athletes know this :)


But you keep telling yourself how awesome Ottawa is for making the playoffs after all they can really use that extra playoff revenue or they may fold lol

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No need to feel bad for us. Feel bad for yourself when Ottawa goes out in 4 against Pittsburg :)


So? They went further than your Leafs. :D


We weren't even supposed to be here, so I'll take a sweep by the Pens.


The difference between you and I: you take consolation in just making it to the playoffs whereas for me, if you aren't first then you may as well be last. There are no points for second place and true athletes know this :)


But you keep telling yourself how awesome Ottawa is for making the playoffs after all they can really use that extra playoff revenue or they may fold lol


Good luck with Leafs ever winning the Cup in your life-time. It hasn't happened yet, and I doubt it happens anytime soon.


And the second comment is so ignorant of you. Ottawa can support itself without the playoff revenue. We actually know how to draft properly (get a generational defenseman 15th overall while the Leafs got a guy they traded 5th overall) and manage our team well.


I say "we" because I'm a HUGE Sens fan.

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So? They went further than your Leafs. :D


We weren't even supposed to be here, so I'll take a sweep by the Pens.




Good luck with Leafs ever winning the Cup in your life-time. It hasn't happened yet, and I doubt it happens anytime soon.


And the second comment is so ignorant of you. Ottawa can support itself without the playoff revenue. We actually know how to draft properly (get a generational defenseman 15th overall while the Leafs got a guy they traded 5th overall) and manage our team well.


I say "we" because I'm a HUGE Sens fan.




Actually, the nucleus of this leaf time is pretty good. They have two lines that can score well, and a third that is reasonable. They were 4th in the league in goals/game. The 4th is a solid checking line. Their defensive system is good with Carlyle and as the young guys like Gardiner, Franson, Fraser develop, they'll be a good hard hitting defence corps with some skill.


The leafs need 2 things: a top line center and another 2nd line scorer. Then they'll have a legit shot at the upper echelon. They're not as far off as you'd think.

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