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Bad match... ask for release and reapply

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Very risky, no guarantee of matching if you reapply (your choice to resign would be a red flag). Better to start residency and try to transfer. Not to mention, what would you do in the off year - at least you will have employment and possible transfer credit that can be applied to another residency program.

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Better to start residency and try to transfer. Not to mention, what would you do in the off year - at least you will have employment and possible transfer credit that can be applied to another residency program.


This most definitely.


I applied mainly to two different specialties across the board, and eventually decided to rank all (well, apart from the worst locations) programs in one specialty ahead of the other. The only real regret I've had is wondering how I would have done doing the opposite. But that's what transfers are for... getting out of the match would be exceedingly difficult.

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Very risky, no guarantee of matching if you reapply (your choice to resign would be a red flag). Better to start residency and try to transfer. Not to mention, what would you do in the off year - at least you will have employment and possible transfer credit that can be applied to another residency program.




Start in July and try to transfer. Don't drop out of the system by asking to be released from your contract. That has disaster written all over it.

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I just transferred programs to another specialty from family medicine. I would strongly recommend you stay in and go through the transfer process and the second iteration of Carms next year (PGY1 are eligible for the second iteration of Carms).


As a resident there is an established procedure with assistance from your postgraduate medical education office to transfer. Also you will get experience and get paid by going through the year in your initial residency program which I believe was worth it.


As for the likelihood of transfer I was told I was not going to get a transfer as it was from a two year to a four year program and funding was impossible and there were no spots in my school to transfer to or elsewhere and then at the last minute I was contacted by another school and given a transfer. So you never know about these things. I know you are horribly disappointed right now but I would stick it out.

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